Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

White Rat Blog Entry

Lance Corporal White Rat
October 11, 2024, 12:02:18 AM

10/11/24: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday."

This week's characters from my anthro WWII storyline are Gabriele "Gabby" Zweifel, and Lance Corporal White Rat. Gabby is the toddler daughter of Mirjam Zweifel and the two spend the entire story in hiding. White is from the old character list and not well developed yet but is rather a jerk. There'll be more about them later in my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se.

Regarding their design, Gabby mostly takes after her unknown father, though I gave her ears similar to Mirjam's. With White, I gave him hazel green eyes before realizing that, as a white rat who's not albino, he should be leucistic and have blue eyes. Oops. Well, maybe he has some different-colored patches not visible in this portrait, or I should tweak his design. Dunno.

TUMBLR EDIT: Entry split in two here on out.

I honestly do not have enough info for any big informative entry about White. Here's his bio from the old character list:

WHITE RAT: LC; overly self-righteous and full of himself, fawning and subservient to authority--like the kid in class who tries way too hard to win approval by looking good. Honestly can't understand when others do better than he does. Not vain, but a brown-noser and not very thankful to others equal to or "below" him. Doesn't understand why most of the others don't like him much, and even when he does, believes it's their problem and not his. (Original Trench Rat.) Current storyline

...And that's really about it. White in the current iteration is likely (should I ever end up developing him) to be much similar, as I do need a few insufferable Rats to balance out the majority of decent ones. I might tone him down a bit to not be such an obvious brown-noser but I can't think of much else, oh, aside from that he'll probably be a newer Trench Rat, as the original ones have been through so much that they're unlikely to be quite as obnoxious as White. I also suspect something unpleasant may befall him, but am not sure.

Anyway, that's pretty much all I've got for now. Perhaps he'll develop further later.

[White Rat 2024 [Friday, October 11, 2024, 12:02:18 AM]]

The Trench Rats Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/10/25
Last Modified 1/22/25