Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

von Staden Blog Entry

Lady von Staden
November 8, 2024, 12:01:08 AM

11/8/24: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." This week's characters from my anthro WWII storyline are Herr von Staden and Frau von Staden (first names never given). They're the parents of Adalard and Constanze. They play a somewhat background role in Adalard's story, which I've mostly gone over already in his Tumblr entry. There'll be more about them later in my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se.

Regarding their design, they have the same general color pattern as their kids, the dad has a small mustache, and the mother has an ear nick and a scar over her eye.

TUMBLR EDIT: Entry edited to avoid repetition hereafter.

I covered most of the von Stadens' part of the plot in Herr von Staden's entry. There was a little bit I wanted to add that I didn't get to cover there.

I don't know much about the von Stadens yet, how they met, their pasts, aside from that they're minor Junkers with no actual noble titles. They're well off, though not stupid rich like the von Dobermanns, for example. They're rather more modern and forward thinking too, similar to Katharina von Thiel, not stuck in the past like Louis Dobermann. Maybe someday I'll develop their past a bit.

You'll notice they all share a similar fur pattern, light gray with a darker gray sort of "hood" which includes the ears and sometimes extends over the top of the nose, but doesn't form a mask. Other times, as with the von NNs, this might hint at blood relations among them all--including between the parents. This isn't so, unless maybe the older von Stadens are some sort of distant cousins or something--it's possible. But just laying to rest any weird thoughts, no, this isn't a von NN situation.

One more thing is Frau von Staden's uncharacteristic scar and ear nick. I gave her these at the last minute to distinguish her a bit; why would a female Junker have an ear wound, and especially a face scar? I have yet to go over all the details, but I suspect she sustained these injuries in some sort of accident. She's ashamed of her facial scar and tries to conceal it somewhat under her hair; Herr von Staden reassures her constantly that it's nothing to fret over, he doesn't mind it, though it still makes her insecure.

That's about all I have for now. Please see Herr von Staden's entry for more on these two.

[Frau von Staden 2024 [Friday, November 8, 2024, 12:01:08 AM]]

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Page Created 1/10/25
Last Modified 1/22/25