Constanze von Staden Blog Entry |
January 5, 2024, 3:00:57 AM 1/5/24: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." This week's character from my anthro WWII storyline is Constanze von Staden. She's Adalard's sister, and unbeknownst to him at first, works for the resistance. There'll be more about her later in my art Tumblr and, though there's already some in Adalard's entry. Regarding her design, I wanted her to resemble Adalard yet not look like his twin. I pictured her with black hair, but thought she might look too similar to Nixie, so made it dark brown. Her eyes are also bluer than Adalard's though I'm iffy on that. She's wearing a headband. TUMBLR EDIT: I haven't much new yet to share about Constanze, older(?) sister of Adalard, a young Junker fighter pilot who briefly ends up in a labor camp. Most of her role in the story is already outlined in her brother's entry, linked above. I don't yet know, for example, what exactly it was that convinced her the Third Reich is evil and to aid the resistance instead, to the extent that she's willing to use herself as a honeypot to gain info on the SS. Perhaps this info will present itself sometime when I have more opportunity to brainstorm background characters. I can safely say she's very levelheaded, with steel nerves and great love for Adalard; she's the only one of their little family who dares to criticize the SS for what they did to him, while their father hides behind placation and their mother just cowers in fear. She sets to work seducing an SS guy in hopes of obtaining info on her missing brother while her parents simply accept the BS the Nazis feed them. (Vischer and Captain Altermann, two visitors to the camp, are the ones who end up getting von Staden freed, but Constanze does try her best, considering the lone resource she has to work with--her sexuality.) For some reason Constanze's appearance, in my head, was never particularly "Aryan." Von Staden himself would be blond if I drew my male rats with hair, yet Constanze has always appeared as dark haired. As I mentioned though, I didn't want her to be a clone of Nixie, so gave her brown hair instead. She's quite serious in demeanor, though so is her brother, so maybe it was just the way they were raised; many of my Junkers are rather humorless and stoic, with a few exceptions (Katharina von Thiel, Wil Volker, and Hasso Reinhardt come to mind). Anyway, I think now I'm just typing to fill in space that could be saved until I get working on her profile. I've FINALLY been adding my Trench Rats characters' profiles on! You can find the folder HERE. It's still not caught up, but now that I've streamlined the profile format and decided to reserve the meat of the info for later addition, it's going much more smoothly! Feel free to check it out, and let me know if you'd like an invite code, I can currently generate...417 codes. Yikes. SERIOUSLY DOES ANYONE NEED A TOYHOU.SE CODE, I've only ever generated one and that person never visits the site, sigh. I'll leave off here since I literally have nothing more at the moment. When and if Constanze's story develops, is likely where it'll appear (I guess unless the site goes under :/ ). [Constanze von Staden 2024 [Friday, January 5, 2024, 3:00:57 AM]] |