Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

Gray Rat Blog Entry

Private First Class Gray Rat
September 27, 2024, 12:00:14 AM

9/27/24: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." This week's characters from my anthro WWII storyline are PFC Gray Rat and PFC Tan Rat. They're relatively minor characters from the old character list who need to be developed (though Tan doesn't last long). There'll be more about them later in my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se.

Regarding their design, Gray is meant to be young and rather bookish, while Tan is more outgoing; I made him look a bit too much like Gold here though, may need to tweak his design some.

TUMBLR EDIT: Gray Rat's original description from the circa-2002 character list:

GRAY RAT: PFC; pretty new to the Trench Rats, inexperienced. Not as timid and anxious as Green; tends to observe more than panic. Similar to Turquoise in temperament. (Newer Trench Rat.) Current storyline

Gray may end up being a more developed character eventually. He's indeed similar to Green as being very new and having no real idea what he's doing, also in not being very good at fighting yet; I'm thinking perhaps he'll end up in some sort of alternate and unexpected role outside combat. The medical ward is a possibility, though not certain as Amaranth is already there. Maybe helping Indigo tend the animals, or helping D-Day in maintaining the electronics and infrastructure of HQ (although D-Day is quite a loner), or assisting Battleship Gray with radio communications; maybe something records related like Mahogany; who knows yet. I'd like him to seem inept at first, yet earnest and hopeful to be of use, and it ends up being something unexpected...hm, maybe unofficial therapist to the battalion? There's a useful position that hasn't been filled...and it'd be interesting for this guy you'd assume to be the one most likely to develop PTSD to in fact be good at handling other people's issues. Lots of possibilities to mull over.

One clear scenario I have in my head already is connecting Gray to Tan, covered in my next entry. I imagine Gray walking alongside Tan down the woodland road, and being the nearest witness to what happens next, the moment the battalion has their first run-in with...but you'll have to go check Tan's entry for the rest.

[Gray Rat 2024 [Friday, September 27, 2024, 12:00:14 AM]]

The Trench Rats Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/7/25
Last Modified 1/20/25