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Britta Azinger Blog Entry

Helper Britta Azinger
March 24, 2023, 3:00:26 AM
March 24, 2023, 3:00:47 AM

3/24/23: r/SketchDaily theme, "Japan." Kinda plain, yeah. I've already done Japanese landscapes before.


This week's character from my anthro WWII storyline is SS-Helfer Britta Azinger, sans cap (top drawing) and with cap (bottom drawing). There'll be more about her later in my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se.

Regarding her design, she's a Pomeranian; her character is quite petite, a little chubby, and cute, so this was the German dog breed that seemed to fit best. (My other Pomeranian character so far is Margarethe Dannecker, who's not curvy like Britta but is so short--about 5'--that she's easily mistaken for a child. Which makes it even more alarming that she carries around a roughly three-foot-long sword.)

TUMBLR EDIT: Yeah, the above is mildly different from what I posted on Reddit. I've found that if I share even a bit "too much" about my characters or personal life there that people don't like it. It's weird and arbitrary but I've learned to listen to my gut, which has almost always been right about this particular matter, and my gut said to scrap the entire reference to Gret. Okay, gut. *shrugs*

Anyway, I don't have much to type out about Azinger and I do mean it this time! This is both because she's not a major character so she hasn't developed any sort of significant or interesting backstory (I don't imagine, like most of my characters, that she has any sort of deep dark secrets or traumatic past, she's a pretty bright, bubbly character, unlike almost all the others), and also because I already gave most of her story in Lt. Col. Hasso Reinhardt's entry, HERE. (You have to go about halfway through the entry before Azinger shows up.) So, no need going over it again. (HERE is another entry with a scene featuring a brief appearance by Azinger; it's from Lt. Gunter Hesse's POV. Not included in this snippet is when he's first introduced to Azinger and privately concludes she and Reinhardt are romantically involved; a bit later in the scene Azinger and Reinhardt smile at each other and the narrator summarizes Hesse's thoughts, "Yes, those two were clearly going to f**k each other brainless later that night.")

I will just for funsies briefly mention a throwaway scene featuring her, where she, Maj. Jan Delbrück, Isaak Schindel, and another, as-yet unidentified SS guard get locked in the file room where Delbrück used to work and can't get the door opened or alert anybody to where they are. Delbrück angrily complains, "Whose idea was it for a door that won't unlock?" then mutters, "Oh, right...the SS." The unnamed guard immediately panics and breaks down hyperventilating, insisting the walls are closing in; Delbrück, Azinger, and Schindel glance at him, then completely ignore him. It's a couple of hours before their absence is noticed and Reinhardt finally unlocks the file room and enters. He finds them all in the back, the unnamed guard unconscious on a couch where they placed him, the other three playing cards at a table, Delbrück and Azinger cackling over a bottle of booze they found and have been sharing; Schindel, looking quite uncomfortable, is the only one who's stone sober, and he promptly removes his cap, hurries to Reinhardt, and insists he didn't take part, he's just keeping an eye on things. Reinhardt is of course confused but resolves the situation, although Delbrück and Azinger suffer awful hangovers reporting to work the next morning. "You could both learn a lesson from Herr Schindel," Reinhardt chides them, at which Azinger clasps her own head with a whimper and Delbrück grumbles, "Don't talk so loud."

Maybe sometime I'll learn more about her, though this is all for now.

[Britta Azinger 2023 [Friday, March 24, 2023, 3:00:26 AM]]

[Britta Azinger 2023 2 [Friday, March 24, 2023, 3:00:47 AM]]

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Page Created 1/5/25
Last Modified 1/19/25