Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

September Dawn

TEHUTI'S PER ON THE WEB NOTE: I wanted to write a song about September 11. Fortunately, it was never finished; unfortunately, it was started. From the looks of things I intended to include this with the songs I wrote for Damien's band Radioactive. Now it's REALLY fortunate this was never finished.

Anyway, here you go. The file was last modified in 2002, but I just now noticed there's a note at the end stating it was written in 2001. I should do that more often.


The world was always so large
But now it all seems so small
I lived my life as a daydream
And never knew how far we could fall

An instant can change almost everything
As I found when I opened my eyes
Is it always the gravest of moments
That teach us to realize

Things are the same
Yet they aren't still the same
My world has all changed
And the world's gone insane
I feel jolted awake
From a meaningless dream
Now that all dreams are gone
In the September dawn


started 10/04/01 3:13 AM

Song incomplete

Miscellaneous Fiction

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 3/24/25
Last Modified 3/24/25