Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!


TEHUTI'S PER ON THE WEB NOTE: I needn't explain this one, for this here, which is a copy of a copy of a copy (I think) of some posts I made, pretty much explains it all. I've omitted the first intro from when I posted this to an online diary in 2001. The intro you'll be reading is from when I posted it to a now-defunct website in 2000. (There, threads were known as "soapboxes," and I received some criticism for how chatty I was, thus the title.)

Re: Boring longwinded soap. Please skip. by Tehuti on 12.16.00 3:55 AM

And hopefully last but not least, for tonight...

At a forum where I occasionally post, there is a special "Flirting" section set up, but nobody has ever posted there. Jeez, if it weren't for me posting jokes this place would be in danger of becoming deserted. So in an effort to liven things up I decided to flirt...with MYSELF...in the Flirting section.

(And aren't I the same one who said I hate flirting?)

Anyways, it went like this...

From: TEHUTI_88 Dec-15 6:37 pm
To: (NAME WITHHELD) unread 2 of 18
3.2 in reply to 3.1

If nobody's posting here, maybe I can make it a bit more interesting...

From: TEHUTI_88 Dec-15 6:37 pm
To: TEHUTI_88 3 of 18
3.3 in reply to 3.2

Tehuti!! I've been waiting for you to show up!! Where have you BEEN all this time?!?

From: TEHUTI_88 Dec-15 6:39 pm
To: TEHUTI_88 4 of 18
3.4 in reply to 3.3

I've been here, all along, Tehuti!! Pining away for you!! Waiting for the sweet moment you should decide to QUIT YOUR DUMBASS LURKING and join me!!

Where have YOU been??

From: TEHUTI_88 Dec-15 6:40 pm
To: TEHUTI_88 5 of 18
3.5 in reply to 3.4

By the gods, I am CAUGHT! You're right, I was lurking, and I was behaving as one who is a fool.

Can you ever forgive me??

From: TEHUTI_88 Dec-15 6:41 pm
To: TEHUTI_88 6 of 18
3.6 in reply to 3.5

Ohhhh, you are so SWEET when you're contrite!

Of course I forgive you, Smoochykins! Do you forgive me for not calling your bluff sooner?

From: TEHUTI_88 Dec-15 6:42 pm
To: TEHUTI_88 7 of 18
3.7 in reply to 3.6

Of course!!

I love it when you call me "Smoochykins"! It makes me...tingly all over!!

Woofflypuff Nooglekins!!

From: TEHUTI_88 Dec-15 6:44 pm
To: TEHUTI_88 8 of 18
3.8 in reply to 3.7

WOOFFLYPUFF NOOGLEKINS!! You haven't used that one in AGES!!

...Have I ever told you how HOT I get when you call me Woofflypuff Nooglekins?

From: TEHUTI_88 Dec-15 6:45 pm
To: TEHUTI_88 9 of 18
3.9 in reply to 3.8

Of *course* you have. That's why I used it... >;)

...What are you wearing right now?

From: TEHUTI_88 Dec-15 6:46 pm
To: TEHUTI_88 10 of 18
3.10 in reply to 3.9

Why, you cad!!... >:)

I'm wearing a teal-colored blouse and blue shorts.

What are YOU wearing??

From: TEHUTI_88 Dec-15 6:47 pm
To: TEHUTI_88 11 of 18
3.11 in reply to 3.10

I'm wearing a teal-colored blouse and blue shorts!

So...what's on your mind, right this minute? >:)

From: TEHUTI_88 Dec-15 6:47 pm
To: TEHUTI_88 12 of 18
3.12 in reply to 3.11


From: TEHUTI_88 Dec-15 6:48 pm
To: TEHUTI_88 13 of 18
3.13 in reply to 3.12

OMG!! You are NAUGHTY today!! >:D

From: TEHUTI_88 Dec-15 6:49 pm
To: TEHUTI_88 14 of 18
3.14 in reply to 3.13

I know you are...but what am *I*? >:)

From: TEHUTI_88 Dec-15 6:49 pm
To: TEHUTI_88 15 of 18
3.15 in reply to 3.14

Somebody needs a spanking!!

From: TEHUTI_88 Dec-15 6:50 pm
To: TEHUTI_88 16 of 18
3.16 in reply to 3.15

Oooooooo!! WOOFFLYPUFF!!

From: TEHUTI_88 Dec-15 6:51 pm
To: TEHUTI_88 17 of 18
3.17 in reply to 3.16

Wait a minute--which Tehuti am I again??


TA-DA!! Thank you, thank you very much! Hope you enjoyed the show! :D

See what I'm forced to do in my spare time??

Miscellaneous Fiction

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 3/24/25
Last Modified 3/24/25