Return To Manitou Island Character List 2 |
TEHUTI'S PER ON THE WEB NOTE: Here's another really, really outdated Return To Manitou Island character list. It's bizarre how off I was sometimes; in this version, Chakenapok has freed Ocryana, Chibiabos (named "Chiabos") is really cheery and outgoing, and I hadn't yet realized that he and Wabasso are the same person. And where are Mudjikawiss and Peepaukawiss? I even suggest that Chepi and Chibiabos might have a thing going. Take a peek how the other names (e. g., those of the Four Winds--"Shawana" instead of "Shawondassee," for one) have changed, and also notice Manabozho's alternate-identity name of "Michabo"--Michibou, it turns out, has just assumed a very important role in Escape From Manitou Island. Dates to 2002 at the latest.
MISS ANNE: Does not appear in the story. AUGWAK: Change: None. Summary: Is still chief of the GeeBees, and still as conniving and backstabbing as usual. BLACK ELK HORN: Change: None. Summary: Still husband of Silver Eagle Feather, and still somewhat mistrustful of mainlanders, but not quite as much as in the first story; is a bit more tolerant. Took Yellow Turtle's place as tribe chief when he died. CHARMIAN: Change: A year older (now fifteen). Summary: Is getting ready to attend high school. Has parted ways with Drake, who has become more popular himself and now has his own group of friends. Still recovering from the death of her beloved grandmother; since last visiting Manitou Island has grown despondent and bitter about not being able to return in her dreams. Feels hopeless and alone now that her grandmother has died. CHARMIAN'S DAD: May not appear in the story. CHARMIAN'S MOM: May not appear in the story. DAKH NATHA: Change: Now fully grown. Summary: Along with Sikt has become one of the Guardians of the Dream, and protector of the Light of the Island (Red Bird). DRAKE: Change: A year older (now fifteen), but unlike Charmian the change is very noticeable. Summary: Parted ways with Charmian a short while after their visit to the Island. Is now more athletic and popular and has his own group of friends, seemingly with little time or interest for Charmian. Still friendly and outgoing, but not quite as goony. Doesn't participate much in the main story. GERARD DUPRIES: Deceased; does not appear in the story. JUSTIN DUPRIES: Change: A few years older. Summary: Married Little Dove and fathered a son, Sky. Not as earnest as before; older and wiser. Now purged of the dark side of his spirit, so is no longer drawn to Ocryx's influence, but can still have a temper if roused. JUSTINE DUPRIES: Change: A few years older. Summary: A widow now with Gerard dead. Still lives with Justin, in mourning. Temperament has changed very little. Still visits Devil's Lake once in a while to leave an offering, but not as much as before. Helps Justin manage the estate. FIRELINGS: Change: None. Summary: The same as ever. KAWADUK: Killed by Mitchi Manitou in the first story; does not appear in the sequel. FRANCOIS LACROIX: Change: None. Summary: Very much the same; still travels to and from the Island, trading furs. LILY FLOWER: Change: Slightly older. Summary: Has not changed much from the first story. Still lives with Stick-In-The-Dirt, White Deer, and Stick-In-The-Dirt's new wife. Secretly has been meeting with Manabozho, who has been courting her. LITTLE DOVE: Change: Slightly older: Summary: Married Justin Dupries and moved to live with him, bearing his son, Sky. Still wide eyed and charming, though not quite as naive. LOST SOULS/HALFLING SPIRITS: Change: None. Summary: Still float about Arch Rock and Crack-in-the-Island, same as always. MANABOZHO: Change: None. Summary: Still the Great Rabbit and half manitou, wandering between the different worlds to observe the natives. A bit more cynical, especially following Chiabos's death. Has been secretly courting Lily Flower, yet aside from this, personality hasn't changed much except to grow a little darker. Rabbit transformation has been discovered to be named Michabo. MANI: Change: Very slightly older. Summary: Has not changed much in terms of appearance or personality. Lives near Sugar Loaf Rock now, and though Old Mother Manitou can't stand lake manitous, she has him perform odd tasks now and then, to make himself useful. A frequently sought-out playmate for the native children. ALEXANDER MARCOTT: Change: Perhaps very slightly older. Summary: Has changed very little. Still lives in town and manages Francois's research. And still hates the Island. MITCHI MANITOU: Change: None. Summary: Still lives in Devil's Lake, serving Ocryx. MOON WOLF: Change: Killed by Ocryana in the first story; resurrected by Chakenapok in the sequel, to do his evil bidding. Summary: Serves the dark spirits now, though somewhat unwillingly; memories of his past life are hazy to him. Not quite dead, and not quite alive. NATHALIT: Change: None. Summary: Is still the Dreamer, the great "All-Spirit." May not appear directly in the story. OCRYANA: Change: None. Summary: Defeated and imprisoned at the end of the first story; freed by Chakenapok in the sequel, with the condition that she serve him, in order to gain her complete freedom. Does so, but only up to a point; is always plotting for the day she can defeat him and resume control over the Island. OCRYX: Change: None. Summary: Returned to Devil's Lake in the first story to tend to an injured Shadow Water. Took her as his mate and fathered her child, Khiieta. Still dwells here with his manitous and family; is still seen as a threat by the Islanders, but like before, prefers to keep to himself and be left alone. Not quite as vicious, at least toward Charmian, as in the first story. OLD MOTHER MANITOU: Change: None. Summary: Still lives at Sugar Loaf Rock, dispensing remedies, wisdom, and gripes. As crotchety as ever; occasionally enlists Mani to perform menial tasks. OLD YELLOW TURTLE: Deceased; does not appear in the story, except perhaps in spirit. PAKWA: Change: None. Summary: Still a hermit GeeBee, wandering about the Island helping when needed. ANTOINE POMIERE: May not appear in the story. RED BIRD: Change: A few years older. Summary: Still Tal Natha's mate, and mother of Dakh and Sikt; still lives with him near Fort Holmes. Not quite as naive and helpless as in the first story, but still very shy, softspoken, and reserved. Is recognized as the "Light of the Island." Recognizes her powers now, but is still anxious that she can't control them completely. SHADOW WATER: Change: A few years older. Summary: After being beaten by Ocryana, was taken back to Devil's Lake by Ocryx, later becoming his mate. Mother of his daughter, Khiieta. Still reclusive and timid, but not quite as mistrustful, at least of Charmian. No longer has any ties to Ocryana, but mourns and regrets her past. SIKT NATHA: Change: Now fully grown. Summary: Along with Dakh has become one of the Guardians of the Dream, and protector of the Light of the Island (Red Bird). SILVER EAGLE FEATHER: Change: Possibly very slightly older. Summary: Still the wife of Black Elk Horn, who is now chief of the tribe. Also still a powerful shamaness. Temperament and appearance have changed little, but has long mastered her shapeshifting abilities. SOOLEAWA CHEPI: Change: None. Summary: Still the self-styled Queen of the Windwalkers, and still as flighty and man-hungry as ever. Catches the eye of Chiabos--and the feeling is mutual. (Ready to settle down??) STICK-IN-THE-DIRT: Change: Slightly older. Summary: Still shaman of his tribe, and lives with daughters White Deer and Lily Flower. Took a new wife, Evening Star. TAL NATHA: Change: None. Summary: Still Guardian of the Island and Red Bird's mate; still lives near Fort Holmes with her. Slightly wiser and more jaded than in the first story, but aside from this has not changed much, except to acquire a certain sadness. TOWNSPEOPLE: Change: None. Summary: Haven't changed much, as a whole, since Charmian's last visit to the Island. UROONA: Change: None. Summary: Still the guardians of the forest, wise yet shy and retiring. WHITE COYOTE: Change: None. Summary: Still Black Elk Horn's friend, and still overly suspicious of Charmian and other outsiders. Has been attempting to gain Lily Flower's favor, yet she hasn't reciprocated for obvious reasons. WHITE DEER: Change: Slightly older. Summary: Still lives with Stick-In-The-Dirt and Lily Flower with her tribe. Has not changed much. WINDWALKERS: Change: None. Summary: Still servants of "Queen" Chepi, and wandering windlings. X'AARU: Change: A few years older. Summary: Has taken Khiieta as a mate. Still friendly, innocent, and eager to please, but also seems a tiny bit more aware of the world. BAGUKS: Irritating bird spirit who is always seeking food. A spirit of discord, but more annoying than dangerous. Appears as a skeletal bird. CHAKENAPOK: "He Of Flint"--third brother of Manabozho. Caused the death of their mother, Wenonah. Possessed by evil, and incredibly powerful; frees Ocryana and enlists her aid. Cunning, sly, ruthless, and charming in a dark way. Has great powers to influence people. Part windling, part sandling, part fireling. Appears as a human. CHIABOS: "Wolf Brother"--closest brother of Manabozho. Cheerful, raucous, and outgoing to a fault; routinely smacks others on the shoulders and guffaws with laughter. Half manitou, like his brothers. Killed in the sequel, but brought back to life with knowledge and power of the afterlife. Part windling, part sandling, part waterling. Appears as a human or a wolf. PAGE DUPRIES: Full name, Page Gray Sky ("Sky") Dupries. Young son of Justin Dupries and Little Dove; received a name from both his father and his mother, and lives with them and Justine Dupries. Friendly, but speaks very little and has an unnerving stare. May have inherited some of his father's Ocryx powers. GLOOSKAP: Old powerful manitou who had a hand in creating the Island and the Great Lakes. Somewhat gruff and reclusive; lives in caves beneath Lake Huron, not far from shore. Part waterling, part sandling. Twin brother of the deceased Malsum. Appears as a human or a great gray manitou (deer form). KENU: Thunderbird; lives deep within Skull Cave, sleeping most of the time. Takes quite a lot of effort to awaken him. Appears as a giant, crested, eagle-like bird, but can shapeshift. KHIIETA: Three-quarters Ocryx, daughter of Ocryx and Shadow Water (daughter of Ocryana and Moon Wolf). Friendly, innocent, and outgoing, a match in personality for her new mate, X'aaru. Name means "Dewrunner" in Ocryx. MALSUM: Evil twin brother of Glooskap, sometimes represented by a wolf; killed by Glooskap before he could wreak havoc upon the Island. His spirit lives on though, so he plays a role in the sequel. WABOSSO: "White Rabbit"--brother of Manabozho. Taciturn, unwelcoming, bordering on rude. Go of cold and the north, so hates the hot humid summers; prone to complaining. Butt of Manabozho's and Chiabos's constant jokes. Part windling, part sandling. Appears as a human or a white rabbit/hare. ANIWYE AZEBAN BMOLA GEEZHIGO-QUAE MIKCHICH MIKUMWESU NOKOMIS ODZIHOZO POMOLA TABALDAK WINDS: KABUN, KABIBONOKKA, SHAWANA, WABUN |