Random D Is For Damien Scene |
TEHUTI'S PER ON THE WEB NOTE: Random story excerpt from the same sheet of paper that contains the two encyclopedia entries about Ocryx. It's undoubtedly meant to be a scene in one of the D Is For Damien novels, but was never finished. The "Phemie" referred to is Euphemia Bianca, a character I never utilized in any of my serious writing; and the "Israel" referred to is a non-anthropomorphic German shepherd. (I seem to recall utilizing Israel in some of my King Kuts-themed writing, but perhaps that's just my faulty memory.) The police name "McKowski" is utterly idiotic. In the current storyline Luther is not responsible for any such murders. As for his accurate weight, I have no idea.
I think the barking of Israel was meant to indicate that Luther was nearby. One curious detail is Luther's age. If my timeline of events had been properly established back then, this would place the date of this writing sometime around 1991. I doubt I had his birthdate pinned down back then, or it might have changed since; still, that year is likely pretty close to when this was written. The T. V. droned on. "Police are still hunting for serial killer Luther Broderick, a suspect in the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Howell of Onaway. Officer McKowski says they have no leads so far, and can only hope that some clues, such as the knife with which the Howells were murdered, will show up." Phemie looked up at the T. V. set, her interest aroused. "Police have been searching for Broderick for several years now. He has no known aliases and weighs roughly 180 pounds. He is caucasian [sic], with blond hair and blue eyes, and is 22 years old." Phemie now sat down on the bed and picked up her Pepsi, her eyes glued to the screen. "Broderick has been described as being cool, calculating, and ruthless by others who have known, met, or heard of him. It is said that he'll do anything to keep outsiders quiet and to keep his whereabouts unknown." Israel's barking distracted Phemie, and she yelled at him to shut up, then turned back. "Luther Broderick is considered armed and extremely dangerous. Do not approach. If you have seen him, call us here at--" Israel barked again, and Phemie got up to check on him. |