Escape From Manitou Island: Plot Notes |
(DISCLAIMER: This page is a combination of two story notes/outline files I used to keep track of both remaining events that had to occur before the story ended, and important events that had already occurred yet might have a bearing on remaining events. I'm what's known as a "pantser"--I write without outlining, though usually with a very rough idea of most important plot points. As a long story nears its end, I often jot down the important events that have yet to happen and put them in rough order so I don't overlook anything, as you can see here. I present these documents to show the direction this story was/is meant to go in as it ends. I have NOT abandoned this story...I just can't guarantee it'll be finished, or when. And so I present this SPOILER HEAVY info to give as complete a picture of the story as possible.)
* Little Wind's fireball it seems to be blue-white, but then seems to be orange * Little Wind's eyes glow white when he's transformed; the wabanos' glow blue * Mishosha wasn't ordered to kill anyone * Chakenapok can see Winter Born's power * Singing Cedars apparently uses Wabun's shortcut to get to the pipestone quarry; it also leads to Gitchi-Gami * Charmian has to relax to communicate with the Red Swan and Chakenapok in her waking vision, so shouldn't hear them and they shouldn't hear her all the time * Singing Cedars's aura is greenish * Thomas is wearing the locket Charmian gave him * Chakenapok tells Charmian that the wabanos are listening in on what she dreams, but their medicine doesn't seem to extend to Manitou Island * The Red Swan followed Winter Born's thoughts to Charmian, and the mitchi manitou followed her, indicating that Mishosha trailed the Red Swan to Charmian (according to Chakenapok) * Black Elk Horn took some Weaver webs; has he used them all? * Chakenapok tells Charmian of a vision regarding a web, but doesn't mention it breaking * The Stone Canoe provides Charmian with the first definite link between Megissogwun and Mishosha * Mishosha says he was ordered to let someone (Winter Born or Charmian?) live * The cabochon in the Sky Tree that leads to the Borderlands is pinkish-amethyst * Mani can't feel pain inflicted on Charmian from a medicine doll * Cutfoot feels partly responsible for Megissogwun being on the loose * Cheengwun gives Charmian a fist-size hunk of copper to bargain with * Has Black Elk Horn lost his knife and hatchet for good? * POSSIBLE PLOT POINT--Moon Wolf gets greatly upset when Charmian asks him what or who he wanted to be so powerful against * Makwaquae's bear form is brown; Little Wind's is red/cinnamon * Little Wind can transform into a bear, so why doesn't he do it more often? * How did Chakenapok show himself to Black Elk Horn to threaten him? * The Cree and Animiki call Wendigoes "Whittikos" * Kabebonikka has been watching the group's progress since they left Wabun * X'aaru has claimed that rainbows look like parts of others' dreams, but in the north one functions as an alternate dimension gateway--how? * A tunnel from Kabebonikka's mountain leads toward the bay, toward Gitchi-Gami, and into an alternate dimension of the bay (?) * Mishosha might have the ability to send people into other dimensions or else shield them from each other * Kabebonikka's tunnel is between and below the middle and east mountains * The wabanos know of Kabebonikka's tunnel and use it * Nathalit isn't bound as closely to the Island as Tal Natha is * POSSIBLE PLOT POINT--Nathalit believes the Red Swan's powers may be similar to her own and vows to seek her out * The tunnel the group took to the bay was likely destroyed by mitchi manitous, so they hope to take Kabebonikka's tunnel back to Gitchi-Gami * POSSIBLE PLOT POINT--Little Wind has to help the group find Kenu's tribe * Shortcuts with medicine must be kept to a minimum * Little Wind has an innate ability to sense people * Little Wind knows the wabanos are hiding the Red Swan from Megissogwun * Ishkode's men are keeping an eye on the Island * Singing Cedars can possibly see Winter Born's glow * Mishosha destroys Wisakedjak's tunnel * The little people consider it unlucky to harbor a sky person underground * The person who creates a medicine doll is the only one who can safely destroy it * Turtle overhears some of Mishosha's comments about Winter Born and the Red Swan * POSSIBLE PLOT POINT--Manitou Island is sending visions of its own destruction * When Charmian uses her sensory net, Mishosha can find her more easily * Mishosha's bear form is black, Makwaquae's is brown, and Little Wind's is cinnamon (also moose form) * POSSIBLE PLOT POINT--the northern pines offer directions to the Estivant Pines * Mishupishu smells manitou scent (Megissogwun) in the tunnel under the lake, where he sees Turtle through the wall/window * POSSIBLE PLOT POINT--Megissogwun promises Turtle Manabozho will have one more chance to fight him if they fail to find Kabeyun * POSSIBLE PLOT POINT--Megissogwun privately vows to kill the wabanos rather than keep his promise * POSSIBLE PLOT POINT--Mishimakwa, at the command of another powerful being, orders the Mizauwabeekum to help Charmian's group west--who is this unknown powerful being? * Barrington and Black Elk Horn can apparently see Winter Born's glow too * Makwaquae tells Black Elk Horn and Barrington that she and Mishosha plan to surpass Megissogwun * Thomas suggests that the one who ordered Mishimakwa is also possibly holding Chakenapok and the Red Swan at bay * The Red Swan didn't come into existence until Megissogwun attacked Geezhigo-Quae around the time of the first Island's destruction (I believe); she was imprisoned to prevent the destruction of the second Island; does this fit the timeline? * Megissogwun apparently has an ability to enter/manipulate dreams, but not much * Winter Born mentions the mass dream the Islanders are having to Charmian, but doesn't get to explain * Chakenapok discovers the entryway to the Underisland * POSSIBLE PLOT POINT--both the mitchi manitou and the windlings that Winter Born destroyed with her power were from Manitou Island * Chakenapok starts to mention the new cracks to Charmian, but doesn't get to explain * The Red Swan may be a secret weapon, but she is not a dark manitou created specifically to fight Megissogwun; only Mishosha seems to know what she is * The Red Swan is apparently unaware of her dark spirit * POSSIBLE PLOT POINT--Following Charmian revealing to Mishosha that Megissogwun and the Red Swan met, the Red Swan contacts Winter Born to tell her that her cave is growing darker and soon she won't be able to see * Charmian fears that Megissogwun will either use the Red Swan as a weapon himself, or kill her Megisso appears before they reach the west, gives the new ultimatum Makwaquae rebels and is killed Mishosha switches sides and helps them find the west No response from Kabeyun, despite Manabozho's efforts Bozho fights Megisso--how/why now?--can Mishosha provide a way to reach him? Group starts heading back east to MI Winter Born tries fighting Megisso, to no avail Charmian gets the idea to fetch Ocryana to help WB fight Megisso Charmian uses a tunnel to return to MI--will need Chak and WB with her Return with Ocryana to fight Megisso Megisso defeated, but ensures MI's destruction as group keeps heading east** Does Mishosha help them reach MI again?--his Lynxes must disobey him* *How does Red Swan reveal her identity?--does she become a threat after Megisso's death?--perhaps she can provide a shortcut home to MI in the end? **When is Turtle rescued?--must be before return to destroyed MI; she must somehow be returned to them following Megisso's defeat; perhaps one of those in the group can help, or some Animiki?--or even RS? *No luck with Kabeyun; Bozho fights Megisso and is defeated *Group heads back east (help from Kabebonikka or Mishosha?) to try to reach MI before Megisso destroys it (has he offered a head start or something?--maybe promised to return Turtle when they get there or threaten to not return her unless they do?--they need a reason to head back without her) ERROR/CHECK?--ESTIVANT PINES!! *Meanwhile Megisso starts calling all his Lynxes to converge on MI *WB's first, unsuccessful fight?--Charmian tries figuring out if RS can help? *Nathalit discovers what RS really is, possibly reveals this to Charmian?--Mishosha must reveal how he knows as well; OR, Nathalit and GQ converse over this while Charmian and Mishosha do the same *GQ discovers what RS really is, possibly independently of Nathalit, blames herself for how Megisso has gained power--RS's and GQ's separation has weakened GQ and helped allow Megisso to grow stronger somehow--maybe through GQ's connection to MI? *Perhaps RS briefly becomes threatening when realizing what she is?--denial? *When RS realizes what she is, the others realize she can't help them defeat Megisso since she's merely part of GQ, and separated, neither is strong enough *GQ realizes that if she and RS integrate, it can help prevent Megisso from returning in the future *Charmian realizes how Ocryana can help? *Charmian and WB use a tunnel (how?--Nathalit?--RS?) to reach Borderlands and Chak, and awaken Ocryana *WB and Ocryana fight Megisso *Megisso defeated?--MI's destruction? *Somewhere in here Turtle must be returned/rescued--by whom?--Mishosha?--he can divine a way to retrieve her from Megisso *Group keeps heading east *Could Animiki help the group return to MI as it's destroyed?--Kenu's tribe?--they need to be able to travel interdimensionally *Re-creation of MI from Turtle's gift *GQ and RS integrate after MI is restored, to prevent RS's power from becoming unfettered, and to prevent Megisso's return *Charmian meets Glooskap to receive gift--maybe when meeting GQ? |