Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

Escape From Manitou Island: Part 204

(DISCLAIMER: This part, and all parts hereafter, are works in progress (WIPs) and have not been proofread or checked for plot inconsistencies. I've decided to present them "as is" for now, as there is a significant amount of unfinished material; yet this story has been on hiatus for a long while, I've forgotten certain details, and I have no plans to resume work on it any time soon. Please keep in mind while reading that details may change in the future. Should you spot an inconsistency, however, please feel free to point it out to me for possible correction.)

PART 204:

CHAKENAPOK'S HEAD POPPED up and he stared at his cave wall for a moment. There was no way he could have sensed what he thought he'd just sensed.

He sat still, concentrating, ignoring the Shadow Wolves as they meandered about the underground lake. Then he turned his head to stare across the water, frowning.

Yes, he'd definitely sensed it. And it was moving closer.

"What's gotten into her head this time...?" he muttered, pushing himself to his feet and walking toward the water. He didn't even stop on the shore, just kept walking as if the lake weren't even there; the Wolves watched as he vanished from sight, and their fur fluffed a little, but they said nothing to each other.

Charmian let out a yelp when her knee hit the ground and she tumbled head over heels--then another yelp when Winter Born collided with her and they ended up in a messy tangle. They lay dazed for a moment or two before carefully pulling apart and sitting up, Charmian rubbing at her knee, Winter Born her head. They both made the same face.

"Ow," Winter Born grumbled. "I didn't think it would be so hard!"

"Just be grateful we didn't land on those things," Charmian muttered, nodding to the side. Winter Born lowered her hands and looked at the vast field of glittering gemstones that lay in that direction, undulating gently off to the horizon. Her eyes grew and she got up, moving closer to look them over, turning in a circle to see the identical field in the opposite direction, a rough dirt trail cutting between the two sides. She stooped down and gently ran a finger along the glassy edge of one of the stones, peering into one after another.

"They're all so beautiful," she murmured. "What are they?"

"Nathalit told me they're either unborn dreams, or unborn spirits," Charmian said, also getting up and looking around. She shielded her eyes from the nonexistent sun. "This is where they live until they're born or until Tal Natha spins them. I'm guessing that's why this is called the Borderlands, because it's like the border between waking and dream and born and unborn."

"I wonder which ones of these are mine," Winter Born said, bending close to the crystals.

Charmian blinked, then looked back. "Oh. I never even thought of that." She glanced down at a large reddish-orange crystal near her foot and blushed a little, taking a step away from it. "Anyway. I don't recognize this particular area but I'm guessing it's all much the same. We just walk until we find an entryway. I'm not sure exactly where we need to look, but we should be getting some help soon..."

"Help?" Winter Born looked up at her curiously.

"Let's just start walking and see how it goes. At least we'll be moving somewhere."

"Bye, little crystals," Winter Born said, waving at the sparkling gems. She stood and trotted after Charmian, falling into step beside her, but couldn't stop her stare from roving over the endless fields. "I can't believe there's so many," she remarked.

"I thought the exact same thing," Charmian said. She shielded her eyes again and squinted. "Though it looks like they might thin a bit, ahead. That's a good sign. The Borderlands are what I was looking for."

"Why are we looking for those?"

"Because somebody..."

"I won't even ask how you got here, but I'd certainly like to know why."

Winter Born let out an eep and jumped. Charmian did the same; a third figure now stood on the path before them, and Winter Born crept behind Charmian on seeing him.

"Charmian! That's the same person I saw when I went to talk to Tal Natha!*" Her eyes grew. "He's dead, isn't he?"

Chakenapok's eyes rolled skyward. "I don't know how many times I have to say I am not dead, I'm simply not alive!"

"Okay! Okay!" Charmian waved her arms. "I know this is kind of sudden and everything, but we need you to take us to wherever Ocryana's trapped. I need to see her."

The irritation on Chakenapok's face smoothed away and he stared at her as if her head had just floated away from her body. "The demon?" He started to frown. "I already showed her to you earlier, you recall? She's still trapped. If you mean to tell me you came all this way, in person, just for that..."

"No, not just for that," Charmian said, frustrated. "Look, if we keep blathering about it I'm going to lose my nerve! Just show us to her or--tell us where she is or whatever--okay? Please?"

A long silence stretched out. Charmian fidgeted a little, trying to avoid both their stares, since now Winter Born was glancing between the two of them as well with wide eyes. "Follow," Chakenapok said at last, flicking a hand, and started walking. He went back up the trail they'd just taken, though he stopped after a short distance and abruptly turned left. Charmian and Winter Born stumbled, trying to avoid stepping on the crystals, only to see that they'd parted to open up a path where one hadn't been before.

"Ohhhh," Winter Born breathed, awed.

"They did that the last time," Charmian said. "Can't believe I forgot."

"They did not do that the last time for me," Chakenapok muttered, ignoring the crystals as he walked through.

"Yeah, well...serves you right for taking the place over and all. Maybe they don't like you. Where are we headed?"

"To Ocryana. You want to see exactly where she's trapped, then I'll show you. As for getting down there..." He slowed to a stop, and they gathered around to see a clearing among the crystals, covered with grass and with the trail continuing on the other side. A tree grew to the side of it, shading the area, its leaves rustling; when Charmian looked more closely at the bark she was surprised to see how it faintly shimmered in a hundred different colors which merged and broke apart and wound around each other, as if glowing multicolored blood coursed just beneath the surface.

"As for getting down there," Chakenapok said again, "that's another story."

Charmian and Winter Born stared at the tree for a moment or so, then approached, tentatively touching the bark. It was warm and made the fingers tingle a little bit, so Charmian drew away, though Winter Born ran her hands along it and looked it up and down. The leaves exhibited the same phenomenon as the bark, only not as strongly; when Charmian glanced down at the roots where they protruded from the earth, she noticed that the effect was more pronounced there. She stooped down and poked one, feeling an almost electrical jolt surge up her finger.

"What is this?" she asked. "Is it like the Sky Tree?" She pulled out her carved pinecone, but it wasn't doing anything.

"No," Chakenapok said. "It's merely a tree. Which happened to grow up in a strange spot, taking in strange energy, so of course it looks strange."

Charmian studied the twisting colors more carefully. "Oh," she said at last, understanding. "You mean...Ocryana's here? She's right down there, under this tree?"

Winter Born, hearing this, hopped back from the tree and started shaking off her hands.

"It's been quite a while since you imprisoned her," Chakenapok said, "so the land has taken back over. This clear spot you see is where the Nathali placed her seal to keep her contained as she once was on the Island, only stronger, as you know* a mere human broke the first seal. You see those colors, human?" He looked to Winter Born, who blinked in surprise and put a questioning hand to her chest. "When the demon was trapped, it took all of the elements to contain her, the four you and your people know and the fifth that you know only in dreams. You weren't aware of that, were you?" Now to Charmian, who was growing confused. "You called it ether. You didn't seem to realize what exactly you were working with. That element fills this place, and is why she remains contained." He gestured at the glittering crystals.

Charmian looked them over. "Dream?" she said in disbelief. "And spirit? That's what the fifth element is? That's what I was using--?"

"What else would it be? Dreams and spirit are intertwined, and dreams are what she was using to gain her power. One's spirit weakens if they give up too many dreams because one feeds the other. Spirit keeps dreams alive and dreams make the spirit grow, and vice-versa. They're connected like the demons are connected to the Island. Of course that would be the only thing strong enough to keep her trapped." He held a hand out toward the ground. "A tree takes in water and food from the soil to grow. This tree is taking in something else as well. Those colors you see, human, are what happens to be under the ground." He gestured at them to approach. "I can take you to her without breaking the seal. I recommend you take my hand, though, since you're both really here and that makes it a bit more difficult."

"Difficult...?" Charmian said, taking one of his hands while Winter Born took the other. She felt a little strange holding his hand but said nothing of it. She still couldn't quite understand how he could have solid form one moment and no form the next.

"If you were here just in spirit, it would be a simple enough matter to pass down there. You're not, so I'm going to have to help you. Just make sure not to let go or it might be unpleasant." Charmian sucked in a breath when she felt a lurch, like an elevator just starting to move, and swayed where she stood--but then she wasn't sure where she stood, seeing as the little clearing and the tree and the crystals were gone now. She glanced around herself in bewilderment to see solid earth and stone passing by, and shivered, realizing now what he'd meant. Winter Born, for her part, had her eyes shut tight and her cheeks puffed out as she held her breath; Charmian couldn't blame her.

"Exactly--how far down is she?" she asked, feeling slightly nauseated by the strange motion.

"Deeper than can be described. You saw how deep the Wolf is buried--" Charmian shivered again, remembering when Glooskap had shown her Malsum, encased within the rock several miles beneath the Earth's surface "--well, that was little compared to this, seeing as the Wolf always has someone watching over him, whereas she does not."

I guess you need a hell of a security system when there are no guards on duty, Charmian mentally agreed, biting her lip. She felt their movement slowing and peered to the side. What had been mostly soil was now giving way to limestone, its familiar brecciated appearance reminding her of where she was; she shrank away from it, hating the thought of getting trapped down here, embedded in the rock, and the realization that that was just about what she'd done to Ocryana made her feel a little sick inside. She shut her eyes.

The movement gradually stopped and she could feel solid ground under her feet again. A moment passed, then Chakenapok said, "Mainlander...would you mind?"

"Huh--?" Her eyes popped open and she realized that she was clinging to his arm like a barnacle, pressed up against him. The look he gave her was a very odd one and she felt her face burning as she abruptly let go and jumped back. "Sorry!!" She reached forward to grasp Winter Born and pry her loose since she was doing much the same thing, her arms wrapped around Chakenapok's and her teeth chattering. Her eyes shot open as well and she stumbled when Charmian pulled her away, letting out her breath in a whoosh.

"Are we--are we underground?" she blurted out.

"Of course we're underground," Chakenapok said. "There's what you wanted to see," he said to Charmian, and pointed.

Charmian looked before thinking, and so gasped and jumped back when she saw what he pointed at. Winter Born looked as well and her eyes grew as round as moons.

They appeared to be standing within a small cave, its breccia walls curving up into the rough ceiling. This side of the cave was empty, small potholes and deeper niches, possibly cavelets or tunnels, marking the walls, but the other half was occupied. Brilliant, swirling bands of light spanned the space from ceiling to floor and from side to side, crisscrossing and tangling and twining together; each had a distinctive color--flaring red, shimmering green, sparkling yellow, rippling blue, and another, the colors of which shifted between every hue of the rainbow, similar to Winter Born's spirit stone. The bands pulsed, their glow brightening and dimming slightly and their colors going from light to dark and back again, but it was the object suspended within them that drew their attention. It was the only thing not glowing, and so seemed unnaturally dark, like a void within the light; the cords were wrapped around Ocryana's wrists and legs, her neck and chest and middle, her wings and tail hanging limp and her head slumped forward, the light holding her aloft like a giant insect caught in a spider's web. Charmian knew she'd been there for a while, but Chakenapok's comment--It's been quite a while since you imprisoned her--made her wonder exactly how long it had been, knowing the unreliable nature of time on the Island. Had she been down here just a year or so as Charmian knew it? Or a decade? Had she been down here for centuries...?

They stood staring at her for a moment or so, then Charmian gingerly approached. She bent her head forward a little to look up into her face. It was exactly as she'd seen in the visions Chakenapok had previously shown her, her last time on the Island and again when with Kabebonikka*--it looked like she was simply asleep in a very strange bed, and the expression on her face was one Charmian suspected she'd never known while awake. She looked peaceful, serene, even, and that in itself was strange enough.

Do you realize that just like your kind, demons talk in their sleep?... All this time you thought she was sleeping so peacefully, when in truth, she is raging and ranting...

Charmian shivered. That wasn't too difficult to believe, knowing what she knew of Ocryana's mind, but it was hard to reconcile with how she looked right now.

Chakenapok appeared at her left, Winter Born on her right. Together they all stared at the sleeping demon.

"That's really her...?" Winter Born murmured. "The One Who Moves Like The Wind?"

"Ocryana." Charmian nodded slowly, as if in a daze. She looked to Chakenapok. "Does she still think of me? Ranting and everything? You were the one who said she did..."

He pursed his lips a little. "I make a point not to peek in on her thoughts much anymore, Mainlander...I had good reason to, back then, but nowadays..." He lifted a shoulder. "As far as I know, she does. Why should she stop just because I left? If it's what consumes her inside..."

Charmian reached out a hand and tried to touch the demon's muzzle, intending to try to listen in on what she was thinking, but couldn't bring herself to do it. She bit the inside of her mouth, feeling frustrated by this, but ended up merely pulling her hand back and fiddling her fingers instead, trying to ignore the questioning looks of the others.

What's keeping me? She's trapped. She's harmless. She can't do anything to me now. So why can't I do this one little thing?

It's not one little thing that really matters...it's one BIG thing. If I can't even touch her, then...

She took in a breath and turned to Chakenapok again. "I need a favor." He raised an eyebrow. "You showed me once that you know how to break these." She reached out and grasped one of the glowing bands, feeling it tingling and pulsing through her hand and up her arm; it felt like it would start searing into her skin. She tugged on it and it rebounded as if made of elastic. "I need you to wake her up and let her out."

Dead silence. At the very first, Chakenapok had no reaction, apparently believing he'd misheard or that she was joking. After a few seconds, the comment seemed to get through to him and his eyes started to grow.

"You're not serious," he said quietly.

"I am," Charmian said.

He stared at her a moment more. "Even I know exactly what you--and everyone--went through trapping her here, Mainlander. Such a feat is unlikely to succeed a second time. I know more than anyone how she terrifies you. You can't possibly mean that you want her set free."

"I do," Charmian insisted. "I know it sounds crazy," she started, squinching her eyes shut.

"You know it sounds much more than that," Chakenapok interrupted. "There is no logical reason to set her free, unless perhaps you'd like her to destroy the Island before Megissogwun can get to it. You can be fanatical about this Island, but I doubt even you would go so far."

Winter Born tugged on Charmian's sleeve. "What's fa-nat-i-cal...?"

"No, I wouldn't go that far," Charmian retorted. "Cripes! Why doesn't anybody think I know what I'm doing? I hope," she added, grimacing. "We need someone strong enough to beat Megissogwun. You pretty much just said it yourself. Ocryana's the one."

"Maybe so, but then what?--watch the Island get destroyed anyway? That's not your style, Mainlander. I think you're losing your head."

"I am not! I'm just--trying to think outside the box! And the Island won't get destroyed anyway. We've got her, don't we?" She gestured at Winter Born, who blushed when Chakenapok looked at her and frowned.

"What of her--?"

"Ocryana's strong enough to take on Megissogwun. Winter Born's strong enough to take on Ocryana. Think of Winter Born as Ocryana's leash. That's what I'm betting on. It's the only thing left."

She forced herself not to squirm under his scrutiny this time. "You honestly can think of nothing else? What of Manabozho? I thought he was the one deemed strong enough to do this. Or the Red Swan, even."

"The Red Swan won't work. Geezhigo-Quae made that clear.* Manabozho's out of it at the moment; he might come to soon, but he just gave everything he had and it wasn't quite enough. It slowed him down, though. All we need is something powerful enough to take care of the rest. Well..." She gestured at the nest of glowing bands.

Chakenapok stared at her for a while, but no longer as if she were crazy. He seemed almost to be pitying her, and she couldn't figure out why. "And what of when it's over?" he asked. "Say that this succeeds. Then what? What will you do with her?"

"Winter Born can keep her in check," Charmian said, defensively, then realized what Chakenapok had said. "Oh." She fell silent and nibbled on her lip, pensive.

Another long silence. When Chakenapok must have assumed that she had no answer--which she didn't--he said, "I doubt she will be able to keep a leash on the demon for the rest of her life, no matter how powerful she might be. She's still a child, and has other things to occupy her mind. And even if she could somehow do this, she will not live forever. You've thought up an interesting plan for the near future but nothing for the distant one. When your leash is gone, then what will hold Ocryana in check?"

"I don't know," Charmian admitted, wanting to sink into the floor. "But I have nothing else to try! At least with this idea, the Island stands a tiny chance. Otherwise it's over. Something tells me Ocryana could be her own leash if she had the right incentive. I saw how pissed off and scared she was when we trapped her. She doesn't know how hard it would be to do that again, does she?"

"She's a lot smarter than you give her credit for, Mainlander."

"Well, if the Islanders were faced with that, I bet they would deal with her again, just like they did when I asked them to. I think you underestimate them. Even Augwak can step up to the plate when he has to. I don't care if I'd have to spend another ten years convincing them all to do it again, I'd stay and do it. Faced with that, I think Ocryana can make her own choice. Behave herself or get locked up here again. Either way I can't just sit and do nothing. There's no more ideas. Either you let her go, or it's over."

"What do you have to say about this, human?" Chakenapok looked to Winter Born. "Is this your plan too?"

"I'll do what Charmian wants," Winter Born murmured, scuffing her moccasins against the floor and not looking him in the eyes. "I want the Island safe, too." She took in a breath when he opened his mouth, and lifted her head to look at him. "And yes, I made up my own mind! This is my decision too. She doesn't have to make me do anything. It's what I want to do. So don't ask if she made me say it!" She blushed and dropped her head again, fiddling her fingers. "I mean, please."

Once more silence filled the cave. Chakenapok stared at them for a while, and now even Charmian ended up looking at the floor instead. It might have been the only idea left, but it still felt like an incredibly stupid one, and she wished that Moon Wolf or someone had had something better to say, and that she hadn't had to drag Winter Born into it. Even though it was their last chance, everything about it felt all wrong, and she wasn't used to going with the wrong idea.

She sensed movement, and Chakenapok approached the great web of glowing cords. He placed his hand on a red one that wound its way around Ocryana's horn and on up to the ceiling.

"You're going to have to be ready, Mainlander, the moment she awakes. These keep her contained as long as she sleeps, but when she comes to, I don't know how powerful she'll be."

Charmian's head snapped up and she nodded quickly. "Got it." She took Winter Born's arm and they stepped closer as well, the little girl playing with the fringe of her dress while Charmian's heart hammered in her chest, making her throat hurt. She made herself stare at the demon, though this was nothing compared to what she would be like awake, and the thought that she was going to wake her up willingly made her want to change her mind and get out of here before it was too late.

It ISN'T too late, not yet. There can be another plan! Have I really thought EVERYTHING over--? Maybe he's right and I just need to wake up Manabozho again? Look what he did before, I'm sure he can do even worse once he wakes up! And Megissogwun could never stand up to it...

saw the shape they were both in...if Manabozho could have finished him off, he would have, and I can't bet on him regaining all his powers in time. It's not a chance I can take.

But is THIS a chance I can take--?

I have to do
something. I saw what Winter Born can do. I saw that glow around her, even brighter than any of these cords. That's a lot stronger chance than just waiting. And I convinced everyone to help me, not just once, but over and over--when we fought Ocryana--when we fought Chakenapok--when we looked for the Winds--it's just like Barrington* said, I could do it again, easily. And I'll find a way to take care of her when this is over. I did it before. I can do it again, I'm sure of it...

The doubting voice didn't speak up again, but she could feel it, in how difficult it was to swallow or to breathe, in how her heart hurt like Chakenapok himself was squeezing it. She didn't notice how hard she was squeezing Winter Born's hand until she felt Winter Born squeeze back, realizing that she must feel the same thing.

Winter Born looked up at her. "It's just like you said," she whispered. "You'll think of something, I know you will. You always do, right?"

Charmian's voice stuck, just for a second. "Right," she forced herself to say at last.

Chakenapok pulled on the red band wrapped around Ocryana's horn. His fingers seemed to sear into it and a brilliant golden glow appeared where he held it, spreading out to both sides until the cord snapped and in a shower of sparks evaporated. Charmian and Winter Born both gasped and hopped. He did the same to another, green band and it dissolved into dust which promptly vanished. He glanced back at them.

"I'll wake her up first, but keep the stronger bonds here in check. Like I said I don't know what good they'll do, but it's the only precaution I can think of until you somehow convince her to help you out."

Charmian nodded, ignoring the skepticism in his voice. "Do it," she said, more to steel herself than to get him to hurry up; he paused just briefly before reaching out toward the demon's face and placing his hand against her forehead. He shut his eyes for a moment or so and the other two waited, holding their breath; he at last drew his hand back and took a step or two away, and they all stared at her expectantly.

Is this really what I want to do? the tiny voice in Charmian's head at last spoke up, as Ocryana's eyes fluttered and then dragged themselves open.

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Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 12/24/24
Last Modified 12/24/24