Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

The Trench Rats

TITLE: The Trench Rats

GENRES: Furry/anthro, drama, action, war.


SUMMARY: This folder contains the story known as The Trench Rats. I first started writing about these guys when I was little. I recently took it up again but haven't had much time, plus have been reluctant to share it under my regular name. Well...I takes my chances. Summary, as brief and simple as I can put it: The Trench Rats are an elite battalion that has been formed to fight the Nazis in a strange alternate-reality WWII where all the characters are rodents and dogs. (Please keep reading!!) It's also up to the Trench Rats to free prisoners and obtain secret documents. They end up banding together with a partisan group in order to achieve their ends; relationships are formed, ties are severed, and all around weirdness ensues. You've been warned. :) (And yes, I have heard of Maus. I made this up before I ever heard of that, and this is not meant to be anything remotely like Maus. From what I know Maus is a personal drama given symbolic anthropomorphic form, whereas The Trench Rats is just...furry drama.)

WRITING STATUS: On indefinite hiatus.

WRITING DATE: Circa 2001-present.

LENGTH: 14+ chapters.

CONTENT WARNINGS: Violence, adult language, adult themes.

COPYRIGHT: This story and all characters, unless otherwise stated in the Disclaimers, are copyright © tehuti_88 and may not be used or distributed without permission. The reader is free to print out or download a copy of this story for offline reading as long as the author's copyright information remains upon it. Please do not distribute; if you wish to share this story, send a link to this page.

DISCLAIMERS: Please take note that this story was written between around 2001-present and that my writing style and understanding of the mythology I created have changed vastly in the meantime.


Table Of Contents

Part 1: Mirela
A desperate escape goes awry...

Part 2: Mirela
Mirela listens in as the Rats discuss her situation...

Part 3: Turquoise
Turquoise receives a strange vision of the future...

Part 4: Silver
The "Silbergeist" strikes...

Part 5: Green
A "newbie" arrives at Trench Rat Headquarters...

Part 6: Burgundy
A mishap occurs in the hospital ward...

Part 7: Reseda
Reseda learns the hard way what trench life is REALLY like...

Part 8: Turquoise
Turquoise gets drafted for tour duty...

Part 9: Green
The Rats relax and have fun at dinner...

Part 10: Reseda
Reseda goes on his first raid with Echo Company...

Part 11: Schavich
General Schavich welcomes an elite new guest...

Part 12: Helmstadt
Bad things happen when you awaken the inspector too early...

Part 13: Gold
Gold discovers a secret Mirela's been keeping...

Part 14: Mahogany
Processing begins at the refugee compound...

More to come...

Trench Rats Fiction

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 3/8/20
Last Modified 3/21/20