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Yevgeny Profile


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Name/Nickname: Yevgeny (last name never given)
Gender: Cisgender male
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; thirties; Taurus
Orientation: Unknown
Relationship Status: Single(?)
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Slavic descent; Russian
Class: Working (blue-collar poor)
Religion: Eastern Orthodox Christian
Profession: Red Army member
Birthplace/Residence: Russia/WWII Soviet Union


[Coming soon.]


Yevgeny is a tricolor Borzoi/Russian wolfhound with rose ears and long fur. He's of tall height; with a wiry, lanky body type; has gray eyes; and has white, black, and fawn/rust fur and dirty blond hair.

Yevgeny wears his hair a bit longer than usual and is always a bit mussed/unkempt in appearance. He wears an old Red Army uniform and garrison cap, or occasionally a ushanka. He frequently has a cigarette in his mouth and looks weary. He has a blunt, aloof, disgruntled demeanor.

Family & Relationships

Name Here (Relationship Here)
[Coming soon.]


[Coming soon.]

Yevgeny In Heaven

[Coming soon.]


*[Coming soon.]

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The Trench Rats Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 2/18/25
Last Modified 2/18/25