Herrin (Lady) von Thiel

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Name/Nickname: Herrin (Lady) von Thiel (first name never given); Frau von Thiel
Gender: Cisgender female
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; forties (deceased); Virgo
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic descent; German
Class: Junker (nobility)
Religion: Unknown
Profession: Socialite; landowner
Birthplace/Residence: Eastern Germany (German Prussia)
[Coming soon.]
Frau von Thiel is a poodle with folded/drop ears and short fur. She's of average height; with a thin body type; has light gray eyes; and has white fur and light sandy blond hair.
Frau von Thiel wears her long hair up in a loose bun. She wears minimal to no makeup. She wears long Edwardian-style dresses (often offwhite or similar pale colors), sometimes elbow-length gloves, and expensive, ornate jewelry, especially necklaces and rings. She has a nervous, temperamental, defensive demeanor.
Family & Relationships
Herr von Thiel (Husband)
[Coming soon.]
Katharina von Thiel (Daughter)
[Coming soon.]
[Coming soon.]
Herrin von Thiel In Heaven
[Coming soon.]
*[Coming soon.]
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