Herzog (Duke) Johannes von NN

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Name/Nickname: Johannes von NN (last name never given, latter starts with "von"); Herzog (Duke) von NN; Herr Herzog
Gender: Cisgender male
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; forties (deceased); Taurus
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married (Herzogin von NN)
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic descent; German
Class: Junker (nobility)
Religion: Lutheran(?)
Profession: Hereditary duke and landowner
Birthplace/Residence: Eastern Germany (German Prussia)
[Coming soon.]
Herzog von NN is of average height; with a sturdy body type; has light blue eyes; and has light warm/dirty gray fur and pale gray-blond hair.
Herzog von NN dresses formally in the Prussian Junker style, in double-breasted jackets/tunics, close-fitting trousers, and boots. He has a mustache and goatee. He has a slash through his right ear. He has a quiet, calm, polite demeanor.
Family & Relationships
Herzogin von NN (Sister/Wife)
[Coming soon.]
Adalbert von NN (Son/Nephew)
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Adelheid von NN (Daughter/Niece)
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Edelgard von NN (Granddaughter/Grandniece)
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Adel von NN (Grandson/Grandnephew)
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Hans von NN (Great-Grandson/Namesake)
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Johannes In Heaven
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*Johannes's name is rather a mistake. I originally intended him to remain nameless, and if he did get a name, I intended it to go along with the family tradition of using "Adel-" or some variant, even though I was running short of such names. But in Hans von NN's blog writeup where Adel von NN is attempting to think of a name for his new son, I made a throwaway reference to a name:
"...he stares at the baby for a long while as it stares back. Late at night, long after it's fallen asleep, he settles on a name. He refuses to give it his father's name, remembering how his life ended. He never knew his grandfather. His grandfather was named Johannes. Adel decides to name his son not Johannes, but simply Hans. The moment he decides this, something in his mind clicks, and the baby is no longer an it, it's a he. Then he has to take a breath--something in his heart clicks, too. He doesn't understand it. He's never had a paternal bone in his body. He expected--planned on--the family line dying out with him. Now, though, his only thought is that he would rather die than let any harm befall Hans."
I'd completely forgotten this bit when I created Herzog and Herzogin von NN's pages, and was surprised to come across it later. Herzog von NN became Johannes, while his wife so far remains unnamed. So, either this family naming tradition lasted only two generations, or Johannes is an anomaly.
*[Coming soon.]
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