Herrin (Lady) Gesine von Gustedt

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Name/Nickname: Gesine von Gustedt; Herrin von Gustedt; Herrin Gesine
Gender: Cisgender female
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; twenties; Libra
Orientation: Unknown
Relationship Status: Single
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic descent; German
Class: Junker (nobility)
Religion: Unknown
Profession: Hereditary noble and landowner; socialite; Allied/Diamond Network collaborator
Birthplace/Residence: Germany/WWII Germany
[Coming soon.]
Gesine is a German shepherd with pricked ears and short fur. She's of average height; with a slender body type; has blue eyes; and has black and silver fur and blond hair.
Gesine wears simple but well-made dresses that accentuate her slim figure, simple/non-gaudy jewelry such as plain gold bands and necklace chains, and no makeup; she looks classy and well put together without looking ostentatious or glamorous. She frequently has a cold, unfriendly facial expression and has an aloof, terse, vaguely hostile demeanor.
Family & Relationships
Herr von Gustedt (Father) (Deceased)
[Coming soon.]
[Coming soon.]
Gesine In Heaven
[Coming soon.]
*[Coming soon.]
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