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Adelina von Dobermann Profile

Freiin (Baroness) Adelina von Dobermann

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Name/Nickname: Adelina Ilse von Dobermann; Adelina Dobermann; Freiin (Baroness) Adelina; Addy; Lina; Adelina Ilse Gerhardt von Dobermann (married name)
Gender: Cisgender female
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; late teens/twenties; Libra
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single/involved/married (Stephen Gerhardt)
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic descent/Ashkenazi Jew (Mischling--half Jewish); German
Class: Junker (nobility)
Religion: Lutheran/Jewish (mostly nonobservant)
Profession: Hereditary landowner/heiress; socialite; philanthropist
Birthplace/Residence: Eastern Germany/WWII Germany/East Germany


[Coming soon.]


Adelina is a black Doberman pinscher with natural/V-shaped ears and short fur. She's of average height; with a slender body type; has dark brown eyes; and has black and tan/rust fur and black hair.

Adelina usually wears simple, light-colored/airy dresses and a headband. She has a youthful, innocent appearance, often seeming younger than she actually is due to living a sheltered life.

Family & Relationships

Louis von Dobermann (Father)
[Coming soon.]

Inga von Dobermann (Mother)
[Coming soon.]

Ilse von Dobermann (Grandmother/Namesake) (Deceased)
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Gunter Hesse (Family Friend/Guardian/Informal Uncle/Romantic Interest)
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Wilhelm Volker (Friend/Romantic Interest)
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Stephen Gerhardt (Friend/Romantic Interest/Lover/Husband)
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Louis (Gerhardt) von Dobermann II (Son)
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Diepold (Gerhardt) von Dobermann (Son)
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Josef Diamant (Ally/Guardian/Informal Adoptive Father)
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Adelina In Heaven

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*Technically, Adelina's unmarried name should not be "(Freiin) Adelina von Dobermann" but "Adelina Freiin von Dobermann"; titles became part of the surname when the nobility was abolished in 1919, prior to Adelina's birth. In my story, the Junkers continue to use their titles as previously, and still experience some privilege associated with their class, though the noble class is still legally abolished and their titles are merely ornamental.

*Her original name (prior to the 2002 reboot) was Bambush.

*Her second/middle name is taken from her grandmother Ilse (Adelina Ilse von Dobermann).

*[Coming soon.]

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The Trench Rats Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/17/25
Last Modified 2/12/25