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Vischer Profile


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Name/Nickname: Vischer (first name never given)
Gender: Cisgender male
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; forties; Pisces
Orientation: Homoromantic homosexual
Relationship Status: Involved/single/casually involved (Unnamed Lover; Reseda Rat)
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic/European descent; German
Class: Upper
Religion: Agnostic
Profession: Disabled; Great War veteran
Birthplace/Residence: Germany/WWII Germany/West Germany


[Coming soon.]


Vischer is of average height; with a thin body type; has ruby-red eyes; and has orangish-cream fur.

Vischer suffers from longterm shell shock and agoraphobia; the result is he's quite thin and haggard from lack of sleep and constant anxiety. He has a permanent tremor which increases in strength as he grows more anxious, so he always looks like he's shivering. He has sad eyes and a gentle, pacifist demeanor that are belied by his willingness to defend himself and his home from perceived threats.

Family & Relationships

Unnamed Lover (Deceased)
[Coming soon.]

Reseda Rat (Acquaintance/Casual Lover)
[Coming soon.]

Harald Altermann II (Caretaker)
[Coming soon.]


[Coming soon.]

Vischer In Heaven

[Coming soon.]


*Vischer's symptoms, described as "shell shock" from the Great War, fit the criteria of post-traumatic stress disorder, combined with agoraphobia/panic disorder. He's prone to flashbacks of his war experiences, which has made him anxious to the point of having difficulty going out in public where a panic attack may take place. Captain Altermann understands this issue and manages to help him moderate the symptoms, as long as Vischer is in Altermann's company; in effect, Altermann serves as a sort of emotional "safety blanket."

*He's not a Junker, but before/during the war lives in a mansion in Junker territory. He's obviously financially well off as he doesn't need to work to get by; he likely receives compensation from the military, as well as subsists on some sort of family savings. After the war, as Altermann accepts a position in the Bundeswehr, Vischer follows him to West Germany.

*[Coming soon.]

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The Trench Rats Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/17/25
Last Modified 2/11/25