Turquoise Rat Profile |
![]() Click to view/download various sizes (Flickr) Information Name/Nickname: Turquoise Rat (NOTE that this is his Trench Rats codename; his real name isn't given); Turq; Sensitive; Türkiz (Nixie only) Gender: Cisgender male Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; thirties/forties; Cancer Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual Relationship Status: Single/involved (Nixie) Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Irish descent; American Class: Working (blue-collar poor) Religion: Roman Catholic (semi-practicing) Profession: Original member of Alpha Squad; Trench Rat; uses his clairvoyant/empathic abilities to detect wounded/distressed parties and enemy troops Birthplace/Residence: United States/WWII Germany/East Germany Personality/Characteristics [Coming soon.] Appearance Turquoise is of average height; with a slender body type bordering on thin; has turquoise eyes; and has medium cool gray fur. Turquoise dresses in the standard Trench Rat attire of a modified Pickelhaube and Prussian-style uniform, turquoise cape, and armband with lance corporal's stripe. He comes across as cranky and asocial, tending to avoid others, when the truth is he's often overwhelmed by their emotions. While utilizing his abilities ("going into a trance") he "zones out," his face going slack and his eyes glazing over as he stares into space; he occasionally goes catatonic. Family & Relationships Unnamed Mother [Coming soon.] Nixie (Ally/Lover/Partner) [Coming soon.] History [Coming soon.] Turquoise In Heaven [Coming soon.] Trivia *While in his shared trance with Nixie Turquoise expresses puzzlement over a silvery strand emitting from his chest; this is a phenomenon known as the silver cord. *His primary psychic abilities are clairvoyance and empathy; the two are possibly related. He has a strong ability to sense emotion from others around him, and via this, can often correctly guess what they're thinking, though he can't read their thoughts--he's not telepathic. Following his first encounter with Nixie, he either gains or more likely unearths an ability to mentally experience others' personal history by touching them; he's very careful not to betray any knowledge he gains thus even if it could benefit him, for example, he determines that Otto Himmel is working against the Nazi regime and had a good reason to target Anna Julian, but he doesn't reveal this information to the Trench Rats. He also occasionally leaves his body, though this is rare at first and he can't control it until Nixie teaches him. On at least one occasion--the German attack on Trench Rat Headquarters--he appears to experience a precognitive vision, though this is more likely an exception than the norm. *Turquoise's maternal ancestors migrated from Ireland to the United States to escape the Great Famine. Based on a very rough timeline, his great-grandparent(s) likely came to the US when young, possibly with their own parent(s). *Before she learns his name, Nixie calls him "Amerikanischer Soldat" (American soldier); afterward she calls him by the German word for Turquoise, Türkiz, as she has trouble pronouncing the English word. *He comes from a long family line of supposed "sensitives" (psychics), though they've almost always been women, and the abilities occasionally skip a generation. He first displays his abilities after suffering a serious illness; this may have been the Spanish flu. *[Coming soon.] Click to view/download various sizes (Flickr) ![]() |