Aisling Seery

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Name/Nickname: Aisling Seery; Mrs. Seery
Gender: Cisgender female
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; fifties/sixties; Pisces
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Relationship Status: Widowed
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Irish descent; American
Class: Working (blue-collar poor)
Religion: Roman Catholic
Profession: Odd jobs; retired
Birthplace/Residence: United States (deceased after Ultima Thule)
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Mrs. Seery is of average height; with a plump body type; has turquoise eyes; and has medium cool gray fur and graying auburn hair.
Mrs. Seery suffers from food insecurity, so tends to overeat a bit, thus her plump figure; she worked from a young age, and does odd jobs to get by as a widow, so her arms and legs are rather strong. She's quite frugal; she wears simple, traditional dresses of patterned cloth, usually with an apron, and old shoes; she often wears an old coat and a scarf over her hair, and carries a large purse or shopping bag, when she goes out. She wears small pearl earrings and a small silver cross necklace. She's modest and pious, as well as rather superstitious, so often carries a rosary and clasps her hands together and bows her head or peers skyward. She's prone to visions, during which her face goes slack and her eyes go blank and glassy. She has a courteous, humble, solicitous demeanor.
Family & Relationships
Turquoise Rat (Son)
[Coming soon.]
Nixie (Informal Daughter-In-Law)
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Unnamed Neighbor (Romantic Interest)
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Mrs. Seery In Heaven
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*Mrs. Seery's ancestors migrated from Ireland to the United States to escape the Great Famine. Based on a very rough timeline, her grandparent(s) likely came to the US when young, possibly with their own parent(s).
*She comes from a long family line of supposed "sensitives" (psychics) who have almost always been women; the abilities occasionally skip a generation.
*Her own psychic abilities include religious or symbolic visions that she often needs to interpret.
*[Coming soon.]
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