Isaak Schindel

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Name/Nickname: Isaak Schindel
Gender: Cisgender male
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; thirties/forties; Taurus
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married (Rebekkah Schindel)
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic descent/Ashkenazi Jew; German
Class: Working (blue-collar poor)
Religion: Orthodox Jewish
Profession: Before the war--odd jobs/petty criminal; during the war--labor camp Lagerälteste (kapo); informal assistant to the commandant; after the war--typesetter in a print shop
Birthplace/Residence: Germany/WWII Germany/East Germany
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Schindel is a fawn boxer with natural/V-shaped ears and short fur. He's of short height; with a stocky, somewhat muscular body type; has hazel eyes; and has reddish-fawn fur with a black mask and black hair.
Schindel has a scar over the bridge of his nose, and a camp prisoner ID number tattooed inside his left forearm. His head is kept shaven while he's a prisoner in the labor camp. Before and after the war he typically wears trousers with suspenders, long-sleeve button-up shirts (often with the sleeves unbuttoned and partly rolled up), and a cap similar to a newsboy cap. During the war, as a prisoner in the labor camp, he wears a striped shirt, pants, and cap, with a green-and-yellow Judenstern on his left breast; as a kapo, he wears a plain brown coat over his striped clothes, with an armband denoting his status, and a cap similar to a newsboy cap, and carries a short, thick club. He's not tall but can be quite intimidating, with a typically hostile, aggressive demeanor; he's meek and subservient to the two commandants (Ernst Dannecker, Hasso Reinhardt) and first adjutant (Lars Franke) he serves, and on casually friendly terms with the second adjutant (Jan Delbrück).
Family & Relationships
Rebekkah Schindel (Wife)
[Coming soon.]
Hanna Schindel (Daughter)
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Schindel In Heaven
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*Schindel wears a yellow and green star badge while imprisoned in the labor camp, denoting him as a Jew and a criminal (he accidentally kills a ghetto policeman while protecting his wife).
*[Coming soon.]
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