Obersturmbannführer/Herr (SS-Lieutenant Colonel/Lord) Hasso Reinhardt

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Name/Nickname: Hasso Reinhardt
Gender: Cisgender male
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; forties; Sagittarius
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Relationship Status: Engaged/single/involved (Unnamed Fiancée; Britta Azinger)
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic descent; German
Class: Junker (nobility)
Religion: Unknown
Profession: Administrative position in the SS-Totenkopfverbände; labor camp commandant
Birthplace/Residence: Eastern Germany (German Prussia)/WWII Germany/East Germany
[Coming soon.]
Reinhardt is a white Alsatian (German shepherd) with pricked, upright ears and short fur. He's of tall height; with a fit yet rather stocky, moderately muscular body type; has light blue eyes; and has white fur and blond hair.
Reinhardt has an SS blood group tattoo under his left arm (from his previous service in the Waffen-SS). During the Great War he wears the traditional uniform of the Imperial German Army (transitioning from the Pickelhaube to the Stahlhelm); early in WWII he wears the traditional field gray uniform and peaked cap of the Waffen-SS; and currently he wears the traditional black SS-Totenkopfverbände uniform (with the Totenkopf rather than the SS collar tab) and SS-Degen (dress sword) while in the office or at work and sometimes a gray SS uniform when in the field. He sometimes wears a double-breasted greatcoat. He often wears the medals he won in the Great War. He takes pride in his appearance but isn't prissy or fussy if he happens to get a little mussed up. Unlike most of his fellow Junkers, he has a rather relaxed, open, sociable demeanor and loves to chat, sometimes a little too much. He sometimes misses others' social cues and so can come across as clueless or overbearing. Due to his tall, muscular build, he can also come across as imposing and forbidding although it usually isn't intended.
Family & Relationships
Unnamed Fiancée (Ex-Fiancée)
[Coming soon.]
Britta Azinger (Secretary/Subordinate/Lover/Partner)
[Coming soon.]
[Coming soon.]
Reinhardt In Heaven
[Coming soon.]
*[Coming soon.]
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