SS-Helfer (SS-Helper) Hedy Rader

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Name/Nickname: Hedy Rader
Gender: Cisgender female
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; thirties; Aries
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single/involved (Theodor Schulte; Friedrich)
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic descent; German
Class: Middle
Religion: Unknown
Profession: SS-Helfer--SS-Helferinnenkorps secretary to Lieutenant Gunter Hesse
Birthplace/Residence: Germany/WWII Germany
[Coming soon.]
Hedy is a smooth-haired dachshund with folded/drop ears and short fur. She's of short height; with a skinny/awkward body type; has blue eyes; and has rusty tan fur and dirty/mousy brown hair.
Hedy wears the traditional black SS-Helferinnenkorps uniform and garrison cap while in the office or at work and a gray SS-Helferinnenkorps uniform when in the field. She wears spectacles for myopia (nearsightedness). She has a rather rodenty, unattractive appearance, with buck teeth and a long nose, and a gravelly, somewhat nasal voice; she speaks in low deadpan unless angry, when her voice gets shrill, harsh, and loud. She can be quite intimidating despite her frumpy, awkward looks and diminutive size. She has a perpetually unfriendly, disapproving facial expression.
Family & Relationships
Friedrich (Coworker/Comrade/Lover)
[Coming soon.]
Theodor Schulte (Coworker/Comrade/Casual Lover)
[Coming soon.]
[Coming soon.]
Hedy In Heaven
[Coming soon.]
*[Coming soon.]
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