Frieda Orchudesch

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Name/Nickname: Frieda Orchudesch
Gender: Cisgender female
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; twenties (deceased); Aquarius
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Relationship Status: Engaged (Josef Diamant)
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic descent/Ashkenazi Jew; German
Class: Upper
Religion: Jewish
Profession: Unemployed/socialite (former violinist)
Birthplace/Residence: Germany/WWII Germany
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Frieda is a German spaniel with V-shaped/folded ears and long fur. She's of short height; with a petite, slender body type; has cool green eyes; and has brown fur and red hair.
Frieda is a more liberal Jew, and so dresses in a more fashionable, secular manner than her Orthodox counterparts, and doesn't cover her hair; she usually wears long dresses in dark, bold colors with full coverage yet form-fitting in the waist and bust area, high, laced-up boots, a tie in her hair (which she wears in long ringlets), and expensive but tasteful jewelry. She always looks very smart and well put together. She has a confident, sociable, witty demeanor.
Family & Relationships
Herr Orchudesch (Father) (Deceased)
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Frau Orchudesch (Mother) (Deceased)
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Josef Diamant (Fiancé)
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Herr Heinrich (Manservant/Nanny)
[Coming soon.]
[Coming soon.]
Frieda In Heaven
[Coming soon.]
*[Coming soon.]
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