Agnes Klemper

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Name/Nickname: Agnes Klemper; Agnes Schwartz (maiden name); Frau Klemper
Gender: Cisgender female
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; thirties/forties; Pisces
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married/widowed (Georg Klemper)
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic descent; German
Class: Working (blue-collar poor)
Religion: Roman Catholic (semi-practicing)
Profession: Housewife; farmer
Birthplace/Residence: Germany (deceased before the main story(?))
[Coming soon.]
Agnes is of short height; with a thin body type; has gray eyes; and has light brown fur and mousy brown hair.
Agnes wears simple country dresses and well-worn shoes or boots. She wears only her wedding ring and a small crucifix pendant for jewelry, and wears no makeup. Her hands are rough and her face is worn and tired from work and hardship; her eyes are sad but kind. She has a meek, placating, gentle demeanor.
Family & Relationships
Georg Klemper (Husband)
[Coming soon.]
Godfrey Klemper (Son)
[Coming soon.]
[Coming soon.]
Agnes In Heaven
[Coming soon.]
*Agnes and Georg are involved in an interfaith marriage. When Agnes and Godfrey bury Georg, they place a Todesrune (death rune) as his grave marker, indicating that he followed a Völkisch belief system. When Godfrey buries Agnes, he places a Christian cross as her grave marker. Godfrey himself follows a mix of both faiths.
*Agnes and Georg both descend from long family lines of peasant farmers.
*[Coming soon.]
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