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Konstantin Klaus Profile

Sturmbannführer (SS-Major)/Kommandant (Commandant) Konstantin Klaus

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Name/Nickname: Konstantin Klaus
Gender: Cisgender male
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; thirties/forties; Taurus
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married (Emma Klaus)
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic descent; Austrian
Class: Middle
Religion: Völkisch
Profession: Labor/extermination camp commandant
Birthplace/Residence: Austria/Germany (deceased after Ultima Thule)


[Coming soon.]


Klaus is of average height; with a rather slim but athletic body type; has light blue eyes; and has pale gray, almost white fur.

Klaus has a large scar over his left eye, possibly due to injuries sustained in combat while in the Waffen-SS, or perhaps from a duel; his vision is unaffected. He has an SS blood group tattoo under his left arm (from his previous service in the Waffen-SS). Early in the war he wears the traditional field gray uniform and Stahlhelm of the Waffen-SS; currently he wears the traditional black SS-Totenkopfverbände uniform (with the Totenkopf rather than the SS collar tab) and SS-Degen (dress sword) while in the office or at work and sometimes a gray SS uniform when in the field; he usually wears his peaked cap crushed style/sans stiffener. He usually wears a greatcoat with the collar up. He frequently smokes cigarettes. He has a slouchy posture, often keeping his hands in his pockets. He always looks vaguely sad and depressed; he speaks in a low dull monotone and stilted, incomplete sentences, almost as if German isn't his first language, though it is. The only things he ever gets passionate about are his wife and children, whom he dotes on.

Family & Relationships

Emma Klaus (Wife)
[Coming soon.]

Jost Klaus (Son)
[Coming soon.]

Karl Klaus (Son)
[Coming soon.]


[Coming soon.]

Klaus In Heaven

[Coming soon.]


*Klaus was born and raised in Austria; although he speaks German, it's with a distinct southern accent, for example he rolls his R's. This accent, along with his vernacular (he greets people with "Grüß Gott" rather than "Guten Tag") and his odd, stilted manner of speaking, often draw snickers and jokes from his German comrades.

*He displays certain traits in common with autistic people; for example, he can come across as quite cold and blunt without meaning to (he refers to his prisoners as "sticks," effectively dehumanizing them), and he has an astonishing ability to recall vast amounts of numeric data simply by looking upward and scanning the air with his eyes, as if reading an invisible ledger. He's poor with faces and names but can remember seemingly endless quantities of numbers, as well as exactly where and when certain things occurred or were placed in relation to other things. It's never stated whether this is actually related to some sort of undiagnosed autism, or if he simply possesses this one particular skill.

*He's a skilled harmonica player.

*He has an odd, blunted, dysthymic personality--seeming to be in a persistent melancholic mood, no matter what the circumstances--though it's unclear whether this is an effect of a depressive disorder or if it's simply the way he is.

*His sons Jost and Karl are less than a year apart in age, something informally known as "Irish twins."

*He chooses Jost's name after Emma suggests they name him Konstantin; he claims that as a child he was ridiculed mercilessly for his name, and "Jost" is what his mother said she would have named him if she'd known how bothersome "Konstantin" would be.

*Emma chooses Karl's name simply because she's amused by Klaus's accent when he says it.

*[Coming soon.]

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The Trench Rats Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/16/25
Last Modified 3/5/25