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Karl Klaus Profile

Karl Klaus

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Name/Nickname: Karl Klaus
Gender: Cisgender male
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; pre-teens, approximately 8; NA
Orientation: NA
Relationship Status: Single
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic descent; German
Class: Middle
Religion: Völkisch
Profession: None
Birthplace/Residence: Germany (deceased after Ultima Thule)


[Coming soon.]


Karl is of average height for his age; with a slightly chubby body type; has blue eyes; and has pale cream/gray fur.

Karl wears traditional German boys' clothing. He often carries a bookbag/satchel, and frequently one of his mother's pastries or sweets. He has a shy, obedient, meek demeanor.

Family & Relationships

Konstantin Klaus (Father)
[Coming soon.]

Emma Klaus (Mother)
[Coming soon.]

Jost Klaus (Brother)
[Coming soon.]


[Coming soon.]

Karl In Heaven

[Coming soon.]


*Karl and his brother Jost are less than a year apart in age.

*Emma chooses his name simply because she's amused by her husband's accent when he says it (Klaus is Austrian and rolls his R's).

*[Coming soon.]

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The Trench Rats Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 2/18/25
Last Modified 3/5/25