Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

Anna Julian Profile

Corporal Anna Julian

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Name/Nickname: Anna Julian
Gender: Cisgender female
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; late twenties/thirties; Pisces
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Relationship Status: Involved (Liam Morgan; Camo Rat)
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Irish descent; American
Class: Middle
Religion: Unknown
Profession: Liaison between the American and British forces; agent/spy for the Waffen-SS
Birthplace/Residence: United States/Germany (deceased during the main story)


[Coming soon.]


Julian is of average height; with a slender body type; has green eyes; and has reddish fur and dark auburn/reddish-brown hair.

Julian sometimes wears her hair up in a bun, or down. She wears the traditional female uniform and garrison cap of the United States military. Her appearance is always formal and well put together.

Family & Relationships

Liam Morgan (Recruiter/Handler/Lover)
[Coming soon.]

Camo Rat (Superior/Lover)
[Coming soon.]


[Coming soon.]

Julian In Heaven

[Coming soon.]


*Anna Julian's original story is MUCH different from her current one. She never appears in the original existing written version of the story (dating to circa 1990), but is referred to by Turquoise Rat. He describes how Julian (unnamed in the text) was a female Trench Rat whose presence incensed a few of the other Rats so much that they sexually assaulted her; before she could reveal the identities of her attackers, the German attack on HQ occurred and she went missing. I believe my intent was that she was still alive, though in hiding somewhere; the other particulars of her story, such as the identity of a witness and what really became of her, were never resolved. I didn't much care for this character or her melodramatic storyline, yet had no idea how to resolve it; as late as circa 2018, the last modified date of the digital version of this story (and following the 2002 reboot), I made the following note: "Turquoise's tale of the only female Trench Rat, and the ruined West Wing, remain in the current storyline in modified format. The female Trench Rat, who is unnamed here, goes by the name Anna Julian and in the current storyline she DID disappear mysteriously around the same time as the gas attack...but I decided that the story that Turquoise tells here is too ludicrous, hence, Julian's disappearance must have another meaning behind it. Seeing as Julian plays no part in the current story, I have yet to come up with this backstory."

With the current reboot, Julian's story finally appeared; I wondered if she would be more interesting if she were a bad guy? And what's more, the bad guy who everyone least expects? I toyed with making her a covert enemy who is just so harmless and sweet and pure seeming that it's impossible to believe how truly monstrous and hateful she is, because many nasty people are very good at concealing such things--witness most of my bullies in school, who were awful to me yet nice and well liked by most other people. Her story ended up tying in perfectly with that of Teal Rat, who I'd originally intended as a turncoat who WOULD sell out the Trench Rats, if only he were able--his original version was much similar to the current one, except that he wanted to inform Dr. Kammler (then known as Dr. C or simply the doctor) of the location of HQ, yet he couldn't remember it for some unexplained reason. Anna Julian 1.0 was an absolute saint and Teal Rat 1.0 was an absolute traitor. In the current version, outward appearances are the same yet roles are reversed: The innocent-seeming Julian is the unrepentant traitor and sellout, while suspicious loner Teal never betrays the Rats (though he does betray Silver, this decision leads to his suicide). The one trait they have in common is they're both antisemitic--Teal never lets his bigotry affect his work, while for Julian, her hatred of Jews largely motivates her to accept Liam Morgan's overtures. The ultimate irony, and the big blind spot/failing of the Trench Rats battalion, is that they never question Julian's loyalty, and never question that Teal must be the traitor.

The other big development in Julian's character was discovering her ultimate fate. Her execution is the one large contradiction in Captain Otto Himmel's personality; it goes so very much against his character that, although he provides his reasoning, it does still bother me somewhat. For this reason, I figure the guilt- and vision-prone Himmel would be likely to envision Julian more than once (and he does throw up shortly after killing her). Himmel's reasoning for her murder isn't meant to be given until his capture and interrogation by Camo, when he also clears Teal's name; even every time he has a vision of Julian, she always looks innocent and betrayed, while Himmel looks guilty. So, not until near the end of the main story is an incident from Genesis finally explained, and the saintly Julian's true nature revealed.

*[Coming soon.]

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The Trench Rats Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/16/25
Last Modified 3/4/25