Magdalena "Magda" Jäger

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Name/Nickname: Magdalena Jäger; Magda
Gender: Cisgender female
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; thirties/forties; Libra
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single/casually involved (Unnamed SS Officer); married/widowed (Ludolf Jäger)
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic descent; German
Class: Middle
Religion: Germanic pagan (former Roman Catholic)
Profession: Housewife
Birthplace/Residence: Germany (deceased during Ultima Thule)
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Magda is of average height; with a slightly plump, curvy body type; has light blue eyes (she is leucistic, not albino); and has white fur and light blond hair.
Magda is a role-model SS wife, of perfectly Aryan appearance and breeding, and performing the role of dutiful housewife and mother. She's leucistic, not albino, so has white fur yet blue eyes. She wears her long blond hair in traditional braids which she often winds around her head or in a bun. She wears simple but flattering dresses and often an apron, as she's frequently cooking or tending to the many Jäger children. The only jewelry she wears is her wedding ring and a small silver Mjölnir (Thor's hammer) pendant which Jäger (an adherent of Donar/Thor) gave her. She wears no makeup. She usually has a soft, sweet, devoted, subservient, motherly demeanor, but can fly into jealous rages and just as quickly revert to tearful remorse.
Family & Relationships
Unnamed SS Officer (Temporary Romantic Partner)
A young SS officer with whom Magda engages in a one-night stand as a teenager. He's uninterested in a relationship, yet acknowledges that he's the father of Magda's unborn child, which allows her to gain admission to a Lebensborn maternity home for prenatal care; Ludolf Jäger meets her there when she's near term. The unnamed officer relinquishes his parental rights to Leopoldine after she's born and Jäger officially adopts her and marries Magda, and he never plays any role in Leopoldine's life.
Ludolf Jäger (Husband)
An Allgemeine-SS captain who meets Magda while she's awaiting the birth of her out-of-wedlock child in Lebensborn. He quickly sweeps her off her feet, promising to take care of all her and her child's needs if she marries him and bears his children; as Magda had already been interested in a large family yet has few prospects as a single mother, she just as quickly accepts. Their marriage is initially transactional, yet they soon grow quite close, raising a family of nine children (and counting); Jäger is a devoted father to them all, but especially Leopoldine, who isn't related to him by blood. Although their goals and aspirations are closely aligned, Jäger's growing fanaticism--and its influence on Leopoldine--starts to make Magda uneasy, and she struggles with worry and doubt about what's best for her children.
Leopoldine Jäger (Daughter)
Magda's oldest daughter. Her father is an unnamed SS officer with whom Magda has a brief affair in her late teens; unable to raise the child on her own, Magda seeks the aid of a Lebensborn maternity home. Although the officer expresses no interest in being involved, he does confirm he's the father, and Magda is allowed to stay, expected to give the child up for adoption afterward. Ludolf Jäger meets her during a visit and proposes; along with marrying Magda, he adopts the newborn Leopoldine as his own. Although she's the only one of Magda's children whom he didn't father, and is a girl, Jäger adores her, and she's his obvious favorite, being highly intelligent and utterly devoted to her adoptive father's cause. He grooms her to assume his place if need be; her blind fanaticism starts to unsettle even Magda.
Lisbeth Jäger (Daughter)
Magda's second child and Jäger's oldest child (the first child they have together).
Liesl Jäger (Daughter)
Magda's third child and Jäger's second child.
Lars Jäger (Twin Son)
Magda's fourth child and Jäger's third child; their first son, he's Lara's twin brother. With his birth Magda earns the Bronze Mother's Cross.
Lara Jäger (Twin Daughter)
Magda's fifth child and Jäger's fourth child; she's Lars's twin sister.
Lothar Jäger (Son)
Magda's sixth child and Jäger's fifth child; he's their second son. With his birth Magda earns the Silver Mother's Cross.
Lilli Jäger (Twin Daughter)
Magda's seventh child and Jäger's sixth child; she's Lotti's twin sister.
Lotti Jäger (Twin Daughter)
Magda's eighth child and Jäger's seventh child; she's Lilli's twin sister. With her birth Magda earns the Gold Mother's Cross.
Liane Jäger (Daughter)
Magda's ninth child and Jäger's eighth child, their youngest child.
Unnamed Jäger (Unborn Child)
Magda's tenth child and Jäger's ninth child, she's pregnant with him/her while the Jägers are living in the Alpine Fortress.
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Magda In Heaven
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*Magda is not based on or inspired by any actual person, though her large family--all their names starting with the same letter--was loosely inspired by that of Joseph and Magda Goebbels. (The Goebbels children were named Harald (Magda Goebbels's son from her first marriage), Helga, Hildegard, Helmut, Holdine, Hedwig, and Heidrun.) The fate of Magda and the Jäger children was also inspired by that of the Goebbels family, though this is where any similarities end. (Magda received her character name before the plot about her children had developed, so she and Magda Goebbels sharing the same name was unintentional.)
*She earns the award known as the Cross of Honor of the German Mother (informally, the Mutterkreuz). Three classes of this were awarded to German women based on personal character and the number of children they bore for the Reich: bronze (Third Class) for four/five children, silver (Second Class) for six/seven children, and gold (First Class) for eight or more children. (A single instance of a special version studded with diamonds is known, awarded to a woman with sixteen children.) Bearers of this award were granted respect and preferential treatment from the public.
*[Coming soon.]
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