Lisbeth Jäger

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Name/Nickname: Lisbeth Jäger; Beth/Bet; Prinzessin
Gender: Cisgender female
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; pre-teens, approximately 10; NA
Orientation: NA
Relationship Status: Single
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic descent; German
Class: Upper
Religion: Germanic pagan
Profession: NA
Birthplace/Residence: Germany (deceased during Ultima Thule)
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Lisbeth is of average height for her age; with a sturdy body type; has light blue eyes (she is leucistic, not albino); and has white fur and golden blond hair.
Lisbeth is a role-model SS child, of perfectly Aryan appearance and breeding. She's leucistic, not albino, so has white fur yet blue eyes. She wears her medium-long blond hair in ringlets and headband. She wears simple but flattering dresses, colorful bows, and shiny shoes. The only jewelry she wears is a small silver Mjölnir (Thor's hammer) pendant which Jäger (an adherent of Donar/Thor) gave her. Although she's Jäger's and Magda's first child together, her half-sister Leopoldine (Jäger's adopted child) is the oldest and is treated as such. She has a cheerful, eager, chatty demeanor.
Family & Relationships
Magdalena Jäger (Mother)
[Coming soon.]
Ludolf Jäger (Father)
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Leopoldine Jäger (Half-Sister)
Magda's first child and Jäger's adopted child.
Liesl Jäger (Sister)
Magda's third child and Jäger's second child.
Lars Jäger (Brother)
Magda's fourth child and Jäger's third child; their first son, he's Lara's twin brother.
Lara Jäger (Sister)
Magda's fifth child and Jäger's fourth child; she's Lars's twin sister.
Lothar Jäger (Brother)
Magda's sixth child and Jäger's fifth child; he's their second son.
Lilli Jäger (Sister)
Magda's seventh child and Jäger's sixth child; she's Lotti's twin sister.
Lotti Jäger (Sister)
Magda's eighth child and Jäger's seventh child; she's Lilli's twin sister.
Liane Jäger (Sister)
Magda's ninth child and Jäger's eighth child, their youngest child.
Unnamed Jäger (Unborn Sibling)
Magda's tenth child and Jäger's ninth child, she's pregnant with him/her while the Jägers are living in the Alpine Fortress.
Otto Himmel (Informal Uncle)
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[Coming soon.]
Lisbeth In Heaven
[Coming soon.]
*[Coming soon.]
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