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Liesl Jäger Profile

Liesl Jäger

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Name/Nickname: Liesl Jäger; Lies; Prinzessin
Gender: Cisgender female
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; pre-teens, approximately 8; NA
Orientation: NA
Relationship Status: Single
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic descent; German
Class: Upper
Religion: Germanic pagan
Profession: NA
Birthplace/Residence: Germany (deceased during Ultima Thule)


[Coming soon.]


Liesl is of average height for her age; with a slender body type; has dark blue eyes (she is leucistic, not albino); and has white fur and blond hair.

Liesl is a role-model SS child, of perfectly Aryan appearance and breeding. She's leucistic, not albino, so has white fur yet blue eyes. She wears her long blond hair straight, with bangs and a bow. She wears simple but flattering dresses, colorful bows, and shiny shoes. The only jewelry she wears is a small silver Mjölnir (Thor's hammer) pendant which Jäger (an adherent of Donar/Thor) gave her. She has a shy, polite, somewhat insecure demeanor.

Family & Relationships

Magdalena Jäger (Mother)
[Coming soon.]

Ludolf Jäger (Father)
[Coming soon.]

Leopoldine Jäger (Half-Sister)
Magda's first child and Jäger's adopted child.

Lisbeth Jäger (Sister)
Magda's second child and Jäger's oldest child (the first child they have together).

Lars Jäger (Brother)
Magda's fourth child and Jäger's third child; their first son, he's Lara's twin brother.

Lara Jäger (Sister)
Magda's fifth child and Jäger's fourth child; she's Lars's twin sister.

Lothar Jäger (Brother)
Magda's sixth child and Jäger's fifth child; he's their second son.

Lilli Jäger (Sister)
Magda's seventh child and Jäger's sixth child; she's Lotti's twin sister.

Lotti Jäger (Sister)
Magda's eighth child and Jäger's seventh child; she's Lilli's twin sister.

Liane Jäger (Sister)
Magda's ninth child and Jäger's eighth child, their youngest child.

Unnamed Jäger (Unborn Sibling)
Magda's tenth child and Jäger's ninth child, she's pregnant with him/her while the Jägers are living in the Alpine Fortress.

Otto Himmel (Informal Uncle)
[Coming soon.]


[Coming soon.]

Liesl In Heaven

[Coming soon.]


*[Coming soon.]

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The Trench Rats Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/16/25
Last Modified 3/3/25