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Thomas Harricks Profile

Sergeant Thomas "Harrier" Harricks

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Name/Nickname: Thomas Harricks; Tommy Harricks; Harrier
Gender: Cisgender male
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; thirties/forties; Taurus
Orientation: Unknown
Relationship Status: Single
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; British/European descent; English
Class: Working (blue-collar poor)
Religion: Unknown
Profession: Sergeant in the British army, mostly desk work; later, does reconnaissance
Birthplace/Residence: England/Germany (deceased after Ultima Thule)


[Coming soon.]


Harrier is of short height; with a compact, stocky body type; has light brown eyes; and has mousy gray-brown fur.

Harrier has larger than average, pointed ears which have had the tips clipped off to give a more blunt appearance; a rather snubby nose; and visible fangs. He dresses in traditional uniform or fatigues and garrison cap or British-style helmet, though his clothing has slits cut in the sides to accommodate his wings, which he usually conceals. He has difficulty seeing in bright light, and can see better in the dimness. Although he can navigate with echolocation, he mostly refrains until he begins his job doing reconnaissance. Due to all his fingers but his thumb being part of his wings, he first wears stuffed gloves over his thumbs to enable him to roughly handle objects, and often keeps his arms (wings) crossed and avoids shaking hands; later he wears specially constructed prosthetic hands with movable digits, attached to the tops of his wings via straps and held in place and operated by his thumbs; these are convincing enough to pass as real hands encased in fingerless gloves. His appearance is close enough to a rat's to conceal his actual identity as a bat, until he deliberately reveals himself, which earlier on he chooses not to do. He almost always has a scowling expression (partly due to his attitude, partly due to his poor eyesight), and has a hostile, defensive, rather nationalistic demeanor.

Family & Relationships

Name Here (Relationship Here)
[Coming soon.]


[Coming soon.]

Harrier In Heaven

[Coming soon.]


*[Coming soon.]

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The Trench Rats Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/15/25
Last Modified 3/1/25