Sturmbannführer/Hauptscharführer (SS-Major/SS-Master Sergeant) Lars Franke

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Name/Nickname: Lars Franke; Der Berserker
Gender: Cisgender male
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; thirties/forties; Aries
Orientation: Homoromantic homosexual (prefers drag queens)
Relationship Status: Single
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic descent; German
Class: Middle
Religion: Unknown
Profession: Adjutant to labor camp commandant Ernst Dannecker; member of a Panzer unit; test subject in Project Ultima Thule; guard in the Alpine Fortress
Birthplace/Residence: Germany (deceased during Ultima Thule)
[Coming soon.]
Franke is a black Doberman pinscher with cropped, upright ears and short fur. He's of tall height; with a fit/athletic body type; has blue eyes; and has black and tan/rust fur and dark brown hair.
Franke has an SS blood group tattoo under his left arm. Early in WWII he wears the traditional black SS-Totenkopfverbände uniform (with the Totenkopf rather than the SS collar tab) and SS-Degen (dress sword) while in the office or at work and sometimes a gray SS uniform when in the field; following his demotion, he wears the traditional black uniform and field cap of a Waffen-SS Panzer unit, and only very rarely the traditional field gray uniform and Stahlhelm or garrison cap of the Waffen-SS. While in the SS-Totenkopfverbände he's always immaculate in appearance; while in the Waffen-SS he's often dusty or muddy or greasy/oily. As adjutant he's rather prissy, fussy, and ill tempered; in the Panzer unit, he's subject to intermittent extended bursts of rage that have earned him the nickname "The Berserker."
Family & Relationships
Name Here (Relationship Here)
[Coming soon.]
[Coming soon.]
Franke In Heaven
[Coming soon.]
*[Coming soon.]
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