Major DeVries

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Name/Nickname: DeVries (first name never given)
Gender: Cisgender male
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; forties/fifties; Sagittarius
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married (Mrs. DeVries)
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Dutch/European descent; American
Class: Middle
Religion: Unknown
Profession: United States military
Birthplace/Residence: United States (deceased after Ultima Thule)
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DeVries is of tall height; with a muscular body type bordering on stocky; has bright blue eyes; and has orange-tan fur.
DeVries dresses in traditional uniform or fatigues and peaked cap. His physical build and appearance is imposing and intimidating, though his eyes and facial expression often belie this first impression. He has a sociable, easygoing, approachable demeanor.
Family & Relationships
Mrs. DeVries (Wife)
[Coming soon.]
[Coming soon.]
DeVries In Heaven
[Coming soon.]
*DeVries is a serial philanderer; he loves his wife, but is constantly cheating on her with numerous other women. He never gets emotionally invested in any of these other women, and never carries on with the same one for more than a brief time, as he's uninterested in romance. Evans, who's legally constrained from marriage (he's gay and by necessity in the closet), is disgruntled by DeVries's behavior and treatment of his wife, yet bites his tongue.
*[Coming soon.]
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