Walther Dannecker

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Name/Nickname: Walther Dannecker
Gender: Cisgender male
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; forties/fifties; Cancer
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Relationship Status: Married (Margit Dannecker)
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic descent; German
Class: Middle
Religion: Unknown
Profession: NA
Birthplace/Residence: Germany (deceased before the main story)
[Coming soon.]
Walther is a Siberian husky with pricked ears and short fur. He's of average height; with a slender body type; has pale blue eyes; and has white and gray fur and light brown/sandy blond hair.
Walther dresses like a typical middle-class German, wearing sweater vests over button-up shirts and slacks, or three-piece suits. He wears spectacles for myopia (nearsightedness). He has a quiet, courteous, concerned demeanor, and tends to avoid conflict, but is capable of taking harsh action if he feels it's warranted.
Family & Relationships
Margit Dannecker (Wife)
[Coming soon.]
Ernst Dannecker (Son/Murderer)
[Coming soon.]
[Coming soon.]
Walther In Heaven
[Coming soon.]
*Walther is the only member of the Dannecker family to understand that what his own wife, Margit, does to their son Ernst is abuse. He takes extreme measures to try to protect Ernst, by sending him away to military academy (both to separate him from his abuser and to teach him to defend himself), yet his efforts end up backfiring when Ernst returns from the Great War, now fully grown and much stronger than Walther is, and murders him.
*Although they never divorce, Margit rebuffs him after he sends Ernst away, and the two are never intimate again afterward.
*[Coming soon.]
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