Andreas Cranz

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Name/Nickname: Andreas Cranz; Cranberry; Cranky
Gender: Cisgender male
Birthdate/Age/Sign: NA; thirties; Aquarius
Orientation: Unknown
Relationship Status: Single
Race/Ethnicity/Nationality: Caucasian; Germanic/European descent; German
Class: Working (blue-collar poor)
Religion: Unknown
Profession: Former cab driver; limo chauffeur for the SS-TotenkopfverbÀnde and (informally) the Waffen-SS and SS auxiliary; spy for the Diamond Network
Birthplace/Residence: Germany (deceased after Ultima Thule)
[Coming soon.]
Cranz is an indeterminate/mixed German breed with pricked ears which are almost always carried somewhat folded down and short fur. He's of tall height; with a lean/lanky body type; has light gray eyes; and has white fur and light blond hair.
Cranz's hair is a bit long in the front, often falling over his eye. He usually dresses in a formal, double-breasted black chauffeur's uniform with cap, gloves, boots, and a small SS pin on his breast; when off the job, he typically wears trousers with suspenders, long-sleeve button-up shirts (often with the sleeves unbuttoned and partly rolled up), a cap similar to a newsboy cap, and sometimes a jacket. He has a dull, slightly husky voice, possibly due to his frequent smoking; unless driving or around his chronically ill mother, he usually has a cigarette in his mouth. He usually has a bored, apathetic expression. He tends to be more aloof with men and more sociable/chatty with women, though not overtly flirty.
Family & Relationships
Hermine Cranz (Mother)
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Herr Cranz (Father)
Herr Cranz (first name never given) has been gone from the Cranzes' lives since Andreas was rather young, as Andreas started taking odd jobs to make ends meet when he was still a child. Hermine often laments about what life would be like if only he were still there. It's never clarified, however, whether Herr Cranz is deceased (and how he died), or if he simply abandoned his family.
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Cranz In Heaven
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*Cranz wears an SS pin on his chauffeur uniform, but is not a member and isn't an official auxiliary like the SS-Helferinnen; as he explains to his mother, he likely wouldn't be able to meet the SS's rigorous genealogical standards.
*[Coming soon.]
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