Severin Volker Blog Entry |
August 4, 2023, 3:00:43 AM 8/4/23: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." This week's character from my anthro WWII storyline is Count Severin Volker. He's the uncle of Sgt. Wil Volker (also a count). He isn't a major character, but does play a big role, for different reasons, in the development of Wil and (bad guy) Lt. Gunter Hesse. There's more about him in Wil's entry in my art Tumblr and later on Regarding his design, he's a black-and-red German shepherd. TUMBLR EDIT: Count Severin Volker hasn't outlined his past to me yet; given that he's a relatively minor character, it likely doesn't play much role in the story anyway. His brother, Wilhelm Volker's father, dies in combat in the Great War, while Wil's mother and the rest of the family succumb to influenza. Only Severin doesn't fall ill, so toddler Wil is left to his care, and he fights tooth and nail to keep the sick child alive. Wil barely pulls through and is weak and incapacitated for quite a while, but slowly regains his health under his uncle's care. The two of them are the last left of the Junker Volker family, so they grow quite close, treating each other almost as father and son rather than uncle and nephew. Everything Wil learns, he learns from Severin, including his values...which threatens to put the two in conflict when Wil joins the Wehrmacht and then the Nazi Party after it comes to power. Turns out Count Volker doesn't agree with what the Nazis are doing at all, and ends up on the opposite side of things from Wil. Anyway, as I said, his own history is mostly unknown to me so far and likely plays little role in the main plot. Most of his current involvement in the story has already been detailed in his nephew Wil's entry, so I needn't rehash it any further here. Any future additional info about him will end up on [Severin Volker 2023 [Friday, August 4, 2023, 3:00:43 AM]] |