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Unnamed SS Panzer Commander Blog Entry

Unnamed SS Panzer Commander
March 15, 2024, 12:00:21 AM
March 15, 2024, 12:00:29 AM
March 15, 2024, 12:00:36 AM

3/15/24: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." This week's character from my anthro WWII storyline is an unnamed tank commander, without cap (top drawing), with field cap (middle drawing), and with field cap and goggles (bottom drawing). He often gets into verbal sparring matches with Master Sgt. Theodor Schulte. There'll be more about him later in my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se.

Regarding his design, he's a fawn Great Dane. I'm not entirely satisfied with him but he'll do for now.

TUMBLR EDIT: This is the guy known as Unnamed (SS) Panzer Commander, I've just learned to be prudent regarding which language I use when referring to this story on Reddit. I had to change the size and lengthen his cap to accommodate his design. He's a relatively bit character who won't be receiving a name, since his brief appearances in the story are meant more as comic relief/a running gag than anything, though he does play a bigger role in the background than previously intended. Result of all this is I don't know much about him, and don't intend to.

Guy here is a Waffen-SS Panzer commander (I think he's a master sergeant like Schulte but am unsure) (edit, I just looked at the adult scene he appears in, and yes, that's his rank), very tall and broad shouldered and gangly, as it seems to me, probably not the most fit person to be crammed inside a tank. But hey, my Manitou Island character Francois LaCroix is a tall voyageur in a profession where being short and compact is far more suitable. Maybe this is one reason for Unnamed Guy's attitude? I've already mentioned, I believe, the running gag he's involved in. Every so often he comes into contact with Lt. Gunter Hesse's henchman, Master Sergeant Theodor Schulte, and the two of them spend several moments cussing each other out, screaming threats, and hurling insults about each other's mothers and whatnot, as if they're mortal enemies with some lifelong grudge. They then promptly settle down and exchange cigarettes and chocolate and such before making plans when to next meet and wishing each other a mild farewell. Lather, rinse, repeat. Hesse, when he's present, always observes these weird interactions with vague puzzlement. When he tries asking Schulte for details on what exactly originated this ritual, Schulte can't recall, he doesn't even know the Panzer guy's name. Hesse is bothered by this lack of clarity yet Schulte doesn't care, Panzer guy always offers decent cigarettes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

A few of the details of what I do know about this Panzer guy:

*He's almost certainly on meth, and this might partly explain his screaming matches with Schulte.

*He appears as a background character in an adult WIP featuring Lars Franke, after Franke is forced out of his position in the SS-Totenkopfverbände and transfers into a Panzer unit himself. Hinting that, at least for a time, these two serve together. I can't get into detail for obvious reasons but the Panzer unit is overnighting someplace, and Unnamed Guy's part in the scene involves his, um, extracurricular activities with the housewife keeping Franke awake. Franke is understandably peeved, and comes across as quite a prude, when it turns out later on that he has his own kink. (See HIS ENTRY.) So, Unnamed Guy and Lars Franke are familiar with each other.

*He (and Franke) appears at the Alpine Fortress in Ultima Thule, meaning he's a test subject in Project Ultima Thule. This is a more recent development involving how Project Doomsday evolves into the newer project and what testing entails; certain Waffen-SS units are volunteered for experimentation with the new, repurposed serum, to create a sort of "immortal" super soldier. Both Franke and Unnamed Guy act with autonomy, indicating that they survive the war and flee to the Fortress voluntarily, rather than being killed and brought there afterward (like Hesse and PFC Konrad Helmstadt). They also answer to Frau Sigrid Richter, who's the last person left in charge of things after the SS falls. This is a much newer plot point which needs more fleshing out; Franke is planned to play a supporting antagonist role, though Unnamed Guy is still a minor background character, so far.

And, that there is about all I know of him. He might develop a few more details in the context of a supporting character in more important characters' sidestories/backstories (like Franke's), though I'm attempting to leave him largely undeveloped.

[Unnamed SS Panzer Commander 2024 [Friday, March 15, 2024, 12:00:21 AM]]

[Unnamed SS Panzer Commander 2024 2 [Friday, March 15, 2024, 12:00:29 AM]]

[Unnamed SS Panzer Commander 2024 3 [Friday, March 15, 2024, 12:00:36 AM]]

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Page Created 1/10/25
Last Modified 1/22/25