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Unnamed City Clerk Blog Entry

Unnamed City Clerk
August 23, 2024, 12:00:11 AM

8/23/24: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." This week's characters from my anthro WWII storyline are: Unnamed City Clerk; Herr Heinrich (no last name ever given); Frau Bartz (no first name ever given); and Private Etienne Laurent. So many this week as the first two are completely new characters who popped up as I was writing the Tumblr entry for Frieda Orchudesch and her father (last week), yet I wanted to still check a couple off my list. The clerk and Heinrich, the Orchudesches' manservant, help Josef Diamant start his career as document forger. Frau Bartz is in charge of a maternity home and is always trying to coax Lt. Hesse into settling down with one of the women. And Laurent is an older undeveloped character from my character list, a French partisan whose background I need to develop some. The clerk and Heinrich are already described in Frieda's Tumblr entry. There'll be more about them all later in my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se.

Regarding their designs: The clerk is a leucistic doberman; Heinrich is a fawn boxer; and Frau Bartz is a blue doberman (I'm iffy on her hair, she's supposed to look more severe). I wanted to try something different with Laurent's colors.

TUMBLR EDIT: The rest of this will be modified for each entry to avoid repetition.

Please see FRIEDA ORCHUDESCH'S ENTRY for info on Unnamed City Clerk. I don't know much about him, and don't intend to develop his character (so far) more than appears in the entry. All I'm sure of is he's a middle-class city employee who deals with records and IDs and is an old school acquaintance of Herr Heinrich; Heinrich explains that they remain in touch by occasionally taking lunch together to gossip and catch up. They obviously aren't CLOSE friends, but the clerk trusts Heinrich enough that he often complains to him about the Nazi Party, of which he's a mandatory member; the insinuation is he needed to take the Party oath to keep his job, and he's rather disgruntled by this. He makes mention of Josef Diamant possibly endangering his family, so it's likely he's married and has kids. He comes across as rather aloof and dispassionate--he calmly smashes his own pocketwatch to make an excuse to talk with Diamant, and delivers the awful news of the deaths of the Orchudesches in the camps without any real sign of emotion--the only time he gets riled up is when he feels Diamant is putting his job and family at risk. While writing him, I did get the strong feeling this is his genuine personality, a lot similar to Major Klaus--not exactly autistic, but quite neutral and uninvolved on the surface; more concerned with facts, just not the emotional type. Also similar to Klaus is how his temper only flares when his family is involved, hinting that despite his dry demeanor, he cares for them deeply.

That's pretty much all I know about the clerk, including his name.

[Unnamed City Clerk 2024 [Friday, August 23, 2024, 12:00:11 AM]]

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Page Created 1/9/25
Last Modified 1/22/25