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Papillon LaFierre Blog Entry

Papillon LaFierre
December 19, 2021, 5:38:49 PM
December 31, 2021, 5:06:43 AM
December 31, 2021, 5:07:45 AM

12/19/21: Brainstorming ideas for the design of Trench Rats character Papillon, a French bat. (For some reason I've been mulling over this most neglected of my storylines quite a bit lately, and Papillon and Corporal Drake are two of the characters who've been developing a more detailed profile. Yes, that phrase does imply what it seems to imply, that these two are involved.) I know he'll have very large ears that he often folds back/down (those, and his wings, are the reason for his nickname, French for "Butterfly"), and his nose is likely snubby and he has protruding fangs. What I'm not clear on is whether he has an underbite or not. Those are rather hard for me to draw.

EDIT: Weirdly, while posting this I came across THIS POST (EDIT, cached) [NEOCITIES EDIT, no archived pages remain, but in my (possibly faulty) recall it was a lithograph or etching, inverted colors--white or gray on black--of a bat in flight] and THIS POST...not sure why I'm mentioning this except it was odd.

[Rough Papillon Sketch 2021 [Sunday, December 19, 2021, 5:38:49 PM]]

12/31/21: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." Today's character portrait attempt is Papillon, a French partisan character in my weird anthro version of WWII where everybody is either a canine or a rodent (top). Papillon happens to be the only bat character I know of. And here is a second version of him, with his honking giant ears folded down (bottom). I do realize they're somewhat bigger folded down than up and that's just due to my subpar drawing skills, not intentional.

Papillon got his nickname ("Butterfly") from these honking giant ears and the fact that he's the only character who can fly unassisted. He hangs out with the other French partisan/soldier characters (there are various loose affiliations in the story trying to free prisoners and make life miserable for the Nazis, Papillon belongs to the random French group) in a sprawling karst cave system and engages in surveillance activity because, well, he can fly around unassisted, and hang from things by his back feet, so he's good at that. *shrug*

Try not to fault me, I came up with this storyline when I was a little kid and it's probably my oldest one still in existence. 😳 I've neglected it a long time.

[Papillon LaFierre 2021 [Friday, December 31, 2021, 5:06:43 AM]]

[Papillon LaFierre 2021 2 [Friday, December 31, 2021, 5:07:45 AM]]

The Trench Rats Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/8/25
Last Modified 1/22/25