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Lisbeth Jäger Blog Entry

Lisbeth Jäger
May 24, 2024, 12:00:10 AM

5/24/24: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." This week's characters from my anthro WWII storyline are two more of the Jäger children, Lisbeth and Liesl. I've already shared their older half-sister, Leopoldine (she's Jäger's adopted daughter, yet his favorite). I haven't much to say as their personalities aren't really developed; there are more Jäger children to come. There'll be more about them later in my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se.

Regarding their design, Lisbeth (10?) is only about a year younger than Leopoldine (11?), so looks about the same; Liesl (8?) is maybe a couple of years younger than Lisbeth, so I made her ears a bit bigger.

TUMBLR EDIT: The only Jäger child whose personality is developed at all, so far, is oldest child Leopoldine, as she's the apple of her adoptive father's, SS Major Ludolf Jäger's, eye, and he starts grooming her almost from the start to someday take his place as Führer of the Fourth Reich. Oh that's right, the Jägers are a family of über-Nazi fanatics. Doesn't mean they aren't still the most adorable, lovey-dovey family, with Magda adoring both Ludolf and their many children, and Jäger doting on Magda and spoiling his brood absolutely rotten. Two things can be true at once. In any case, despite his love for them and the fact that they're his legitimate children by blood, Jäger devotes most of his attention to Leopoldine, who's actually Magda's daughter by another SS officer who wasn't interested in marriage; Jäger meets Magda while she's staying at a Lebensborn maternity home, waiting to give birth and put her child up for adoption, and after a few meetings impulsively proposes to her, which she just as impulsively accepts. As he tries to explain it later, he just "saw something" in her when he first spotted her sitting in the sunlight, hands on her belly. He sees her potential as a vessel to help usher in the Fourth Reich (he's already certain the Third will fail); Magda isn't quite bright enough to lead the Reich herself, but her children might be. Magda is anxious at first that Jäger will be disappointed in a daughter, much less one who is not his own blood, but Jäger latches on to Leopoldine immediately, declaring her "my perfect little Prinzessin." As time goes on and it becomes clear that "little Leo" hasn't inherited her mother's rather dim temperament, and is quite intelligent, Jäger starts introducing her to his grand plan. He fills in Magda as well, eventually, along with the other children she soon bears him in quick succession (it's rather a running joke in the story that Magda is pretty much always pregnant, and hormonal), but Leopoldine holds first place in Jäger's heart.

Despite all their genuine love for each other, the Jägers are still fanatics, and seeing as the proposed Fourth Reich ends barely before it begins, things don't end well for the family. By story's end, the entire clan, including their unborn tenth child, has been snuffed out...all but Jäger by Magda's own hand. The truly morbid thing is that this is Jäger's own plan and always has been. If the Reich couldn't survive, then neither could his family.

The other eight Jäger children, Leopoldine's younger half-siblings, aren't meant to go through any significant character development, as they all end up dying so young, and really their only purpose is to fuel the new Reich; that's the sole point of their existence. It's really rather sad, especially that Leopoldine's proposed fate isn't much different, she's intended to be Führer and nothing else--the Jägers are bound by fate, Schicksal, which even the gods themselves can't alter. There are really only two ways their story can end, and they walk right into this with barely any protest. (Magda has her doubts--she vaguely expresses them to family friend Captain Otto Himmel earlier on--yet then quickly assures him all is well, never mind, she's just a silly woman, what does she know.) Jäger has a Grand Plan for his family and it does indeed turn out as predicted, just not the particular path Jäger would have preferred. Oh well. There's always Walhalla. (Did I forget to mention that Jäger, despite being nominally Catholic, is a diehard devotee of Donar (Thor) and Wotan (Odin)? Guess I did.)

The Jägers, in order by age:

Ludolf (thirties); Magdalena (late twenties/thirties); Leopoldine (about 11); Lisbeth (about 10); Liesl (about 8); Lars (a twin, about 6); Lara (a twin, about 6); Lothar (about 4); Lilli (a twin, about 2); Lotti (a twin, about 2); Liane (about 1); Unnamed (unborn)

Jäger and Magda are both leucistic rats, with white fur, blue eyes, and the genetics for blond/fair hair. Leopoldine and all their children turn out looking like them, white furred, blond haired (the girls), and blue eyed. Perfect little Nazi family.

Judging solely by the art I produced, I would guess that...Lisbeth is bubbly, outgoing, and especially eager to please, given her second position behind Leopoldine; she's Jäger's firstborn, yet not his favorite, or his heir. I imagine she'd suffer from some envy over this. By contrast, Liesl looks a bit more subdued, shyer, and a little insecure, possibly for similar reasons...Jäger and Magda do indeed dote on all their children, but it'd be hard to miss just how much more faith their father puts in Leopoldine. I suspect there's quite a bit of concern among the older children, at least, that they'd never be quite good enough.

...Hm, wow, I better stop now before I end up developing these characters more than I intended! Not that there's anything wrong with that...just that I don't wish to get into it all right now. I have six more Jägers to go!

[Lisbeth Jäger 2024 [Friday, May 24, 2024, 12:00:10 AM]]

The Trench Rats Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/8/25
Last Modified 1/21/25