Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

Drake Rat Blog Entry

Corporal Drake Rat
January 14, 2022, 1:39:29 AM
January 14, 2022, 1:44:00 AM
September 9, 2022, 3:00:06 AM
September 9, 2022, 3:00:21 AM

1/14/22: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." Character portrait attempt: Corporal Drake Rat (that's a code name/pseudonym) of my Trench Rats (WWII-set anthro) storyline. First here he is in his typical garrison cap (top), then in a helmet (bottom). (He's one of the few Rats who don't wear their standard WWI-inspired uniforms and color coding, as his non-color-related name indicates.)

(More character info about him in my Tumblr.)

TUMBLR EDIT: (The rest of this can be skipped over as superfluous character development talk, plus it's a bit gross. I may regret dumping this out but I already typed it.)

Drake is one of the Jewish characters in the series, the second in command to Sgt. Camo, and is the more down to earth and cautious of the two. They end up captured by the Nazis; Camo escapes, while Drake is subjected to the medical experiment "Project Doomsday" which is intended to heighten intelligence, strength, and other skills, but seems to only work on subjects with a very rare blood type, and is extremely painful to undergo. (Result, most subjects end up insane or dead.) Since he doesn't possess that particular blood type, the experiment is a failure. Drake actually gets rescued along with a few other prisoners/test subjects, but not before the Nazi doctor in charge of the experiment pulls out all his teeth, likely (as Drake theorizes) out of pure spite. So picture this drawing without the incisors visible and that's how he looks later in the series.

This detail was based on personal experience, as in June 2020 I had all my teeth pulled at once. I was given the standard advice of keeping the gauze in place until the bleeding stops after about a half hour or so but when the bleeding still hadn't stopped AFTER SEVEN HOURS I gave up and removed the second set of gauze and tried to get a drink of water. I used a fullsize cup, which was a big mistake, as I just ended up spewing out gouts of water and blood all over my shirt and sink and bathroom floor; I had no idea what to do so stood there yelling for help incoherently. (I seriously sounded just like "MWUUUHHH MWUUUUUHHHH MWUUUHH!!") I had to take a drink from a much smaller cup in the end, which minimized the drama.

Then I ended up with a mouth full of dry sockets. 😃 I didn't have enough SockIt! gel from my previous dental procedure to fill all the holes, so for about a week I alternated between the strong ibuprofen they prescribed me and an expired bottle of hydrocodone from yet another procedure, and breathed hard a lot through my nose (I do that for some reason when I'm in pain or very sick), until that died away. Good times.

I got dentures, but I can't get them to stay in properly no matter how hard I try, and even when they're in there big gobs of food just get lodged in top and I can't get them out without jamming my finger in my mouth (plus, nothing removes the adhesive except vigorous denture-brush scrubbing which leaves my gums raw for a day or so), so even though the dentist realigned them a second time I put them away in their container and haven't had the heart to try them again since. (I don't want to be that annoying patient who keeps going back over and over. Oh, plus I hate how they look.) No idea how anybody else uses the things. Ever since, I've been in this toothless limbo which isn't as bad as it could be since I always wear a mask when I go out and nobody can see my mouth, plus I'm no longer eating in restaurants anyway (thanks, COVID), but still, I miss some foods, I hate how stupid I look when I talk or open my mouth, and the spitting and lisping is freaking annoying, too.

I give some of these experiences to Drake in the story, for example, a guard offering him a small cup to drink from so he doesn't gush blood all over, a week or so of agony from the dry sockets (he unfortunately doesn't have the privilege of painkillers), and him apologizing to his rescuer (who happens to be the corporal who took his place) for lisping when he talks. So at least something halfway decent came of it. And that's all for that.

[Drake Rat 2022 [Friday, January 14, 2022, 1:39:29 AM]]

[Drake Rat 2022 2 [Friday, January 14, 2022, 1:44:00 AM]]

9/9/22: r/SketchDaily theme, "Hollywood/Free Draw Friday." (I did Free Draw Friday.)

Two portraits today.

This week's (first) character from my anthro WWII storyline is simply a redo of a previous character, Cpl. Drake Rat, with garrison cap (top drawing), and with helmet (bottom drawing). I've fixed his headwear, including redesigning his helmet to look more properly like an American helmet. Now I don't need to look at his goofy previous helmet anymore.

[Drake Rat 2022 3 [Friday, September 9, 2022, 3:00:06 AM]]

[Drake Rat 2022 4 [Friday, September 9, 2022, 3:00:21 AM]]

The Trench Rats Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/6/25
Last Modified 1/14/25