Trench Rats Character/Story Info |
DISCLAIMER: Please NOTE that some of my writing and character summaries feature ADULT/SENSITIVE THEMES, including but not limited to: violence, sexuality, adult language, bigotry, child abuse, rape, substance abuse, trauma, mental illness, illegal activity, suicide, "alternative" lifestyles, and the occult. Naturally, I will not post my more objectionable work here, though there will be references to the above in character profiles and in writing I might post to the site. I'll attempt to include the proper disclaimers when this occurs.
Former Prussian Germany, 1930s-40s: The Weimar Republic has ended and the days of the Junkers are drawing to a close. A new party has arisen, promising hope to a nation still reeling from the Great War. They promise also equality, an end to the class system that's kept so many people down for so long, though of course, as war looms again, everyone must play their part, and sacrifices must be made. The extent of these "sacrifices," however, quickly grows alarming, as well as the reasoning behind them: The National Socialists may vow an end to the classes, but some people are far from being equal. Some people are unworthy of life. When a small group of American soldiers seeking information about a mysterious project called "Weltuntergang," Doomsday, goes missing behind German lines, the military quickly patches together a battalion, the Trench Rats, to travel into enemy territory and get to the bottom of what the Nazi Party is up to. Meanwhile, a lone Jewish-American spy is sent to infiltrate the German army and try not only to connect with the underground resistance movement, but to determine where the loyalties of a wealthy and influential Junker baron lie, if he's indeed a fellow traveler of the Nazis constantly courting his favor, or if something more is going on. Both he and the Trench Rats have to tread carefully in a strange new world of constantly shifting alliances: A world of beauty and terror, romantic ideals and brutal realities, noble selflessness and senseless slaughter, kindly smiles concealing plots to murder millions, drawn weapons concealing shared goals of putting an end to the madness for good. Allies--and enemies--can show up in the places one would least expect, and life itself is the most precious commodity, the most fragile thing. If one can just hold on to it. And behind it all, the Schutzstaffel: The shadowy but powerful paramilitary organization whose reach extends throughout and beyond the Third Reich, who have eyes upon every citizen, and who are responsible for not just the Final Solution but for Project Doomsday, the goal of which could indeed spell the end of the free world as everyone knows it... STORY DETAILS Storyline Creation Date: Idea: 1980s First known writing: circa 1990 Attempted reboot: circa 2005 Second reboot: November 2021--ongoing Stories: The Trench Rats: Weltuntergang (prequel) (unwritten) The Trench Rats: Genesis (main story) (unwritten) The Trench Rats: Rebirth (main story) (unwritten) The Trench Rats: Reunion (main story) (unwritten) (may be split into two) The Trench Rats: Ultima Thule (sequel) (unwritten) The Tunnel Rats (proposed spinoff) (unwritten) The Desert Rats (proposed spinoff) (unwritten) "Tough Love" (novella) (scrapped) Various adult novellas/short stories/scenes (WIP) Note that this story makes use of a different timeline from reality; WWII ends around the same time, but begins earlier. The dates have not been worked out all the way but it goes VERY roughly like so: Weltuntergang: pre-1935. Genesis: 1935-40. Rebirth/Reunion: 1940-45. Ultima Thule: Around 1946 or 1947. Weltuntergang is considered a prequel/prologue, Ultima Thule a sequel/epilogue, and Genesis, Rebirth, and Reunion are considered the main story. CONTENT WARNINGS I can't cover for every objectionable topic that may emerge in this story. It ranges between PG-13 and hard R (NC-17 for the adult scenes) depending on the scenes involved and how they end up written. Generic warnings: Adult language, adult dialogue, adult situations, graphic violence, mild to graphic sexuality. More specific warnings: This is a story set in Nazi Germany. There will be racist/bigoted language and concepts, antisemitism, offensive terminology related to race/ethnicity and mental disability, Holocaust references, and references to Nazi practices and beliefs. Since the story is presented primarily from the POV of the Axis side, certain Nazi characters are intentionally presented as sympathetic characters. This does not mean I agree with or condone their beliefs or practices, it's merely my attempt as a writer to present three-dimensional characters. I like to try to get into the heads of "bad guys" and see what makes them tick rather than making them stereotypical two-dimensional monsters. This story is set in the early 1900s, much of it in a fascist society. Expect outdated/biased references to race, sexuality, gender, and other topics. Although I will post NO GRAPHIC CONTENT on this site (my content here should remain PG-13 and below), there is lots of mention of such things in character profiles and world information. Here's an attempted partial list of trigger/content warnings: Reference to and casual treatment of sexual harassment and assault. Vulgar/offensive language. Child abuse, including intergenerational, emotional, physical, sexual, incest, and grooming. Human experimentation and torture. Genocide. Strong moral ambiguity. Religious themes. Suicide and suicidal ideation. References to trauma and mental illness, including outdated terms and methods of treatment. Prostitution. Slavery/forced labor. Reference to abortion. LGBT+ themes. Domestic violence. Implied dominant/submissive relationships. Alcohol and drug use/abuse/addiction. Classism/class discrimination. War crimes. Execution and mass murder. Physical/medical injury/disability. Sexual discussion/language/innuendo. Animal death. Shaming. Miscarriage. Arranged marriage. Implied sexual fetishes. Other possible warnings I'm forgetting. DISCLAIMERS This is an anthropomorphic story set in an alternate-timeline version of WWII. In this version of events, things are simplified and the timeline is extended; the war starts earlier, though it ends around the same time. The parties involved are based generally on the historic contenders, but are highly fictionalized, and liberties are taken. In particular, military aspects such as uniforms, ranks, duties, etc., are largely simplified. This is not intended to be anywhere near an accurate source of information on WWI or WWII or Nazi Germany in general. STORYLINE HISTORY/INSPIRATION The basis for this storyline (the oldest, yet, until recently, the least developed of them all) was childhood interest in my seamstress mother making colored caps and capes for a WWI-related organization called "The Trench Rats." I knew little about WWI and so changed the setting of my budding story idea, featuring anthropomorphic rodents (wearing colored capes) and dogs, to WWII Nazi Germany. Over time, the originally goofy/comedic plot with bumbling Nazis such as "Woofwoof Hitler" and Inspector Dobermann slowly grew darker and more serious; for example, "Woofwoof" was dropped entirely, some characters were renamed or repurposed, and Dobermann shifted from a bungling Nazi to a much murkier character with unknown intentions, though still intended as an antagonist. Several brief attempts were made starting around the early 1990s to put the story in writing (including versions of sequels called "The Trench Rats--On Leave!" and "Inspector Dobermann To The Core"), but none got very far. The storyline went dormant for a long period due to lack of interest. In the early 2000s, shortly after coming online, a reboot of the series was attempted. It went through a further, more serious incarnation, featuring revamps of a few existing characters, and a handful of new characters. Major points of the main plot, especially Project Doomsday, and at least three of the four now-existing story arcs--"Genesis," "Reborn," and "Reunion"--were developed a bit better. "Tough Love," a novella based on a subplot, was started but not completed. The storyline again went dormant and remained so until around November 2021. An adult scene was started, which led to several more; apart from this, however, new characters--and large swathes of new plot (including the previously nonexistent prequel arc, "Weltuntergang")--abruptly began to emerge. This continued at a steady pace and has been ongoing for almost two years now. During this period, I finally attempted making portraits of the characters, and intend to continue until I've gone through them all. Most startling of all was the change that overcame many of the existing characters, especially "Inspector Dobermann," who by now has mostly dropped that title and become known by his Junker title of Freiherr. After nearly two decades of dormancy, I at last discovered his genuine personality, loyalties, and motivations, and found that he's a much different character from all his previous, misunderstood incarnations. I learned also he has some things in common with me, which was unexpected. Unfortunately...and I have to give a major plot spoiler here...another thing I learned was that he doesn't survive past the final story arc. "The Trench Rats" has become much darker and more devastating in its current incarnation, featuring the misfortune and deaths of many major characters, Dobermann among them, and considering how close I get to my characters, this has hit me quite hard; I've spent quite a few nights crying over it. It feels almost like being cheated to finally learn who somebody really is, only for them to be taken away just as this has happened. Yet this is what the new plot calls for, and unless there's another major change, I have to go with it. As I'm in the middle of still brainstorming "The Trench Rats," I developed an interest in trying to finally determine the origin of my family surname, which I'd been told came from the Pennsylvania Dutch and thus was German in origin. (Concurrent interests often make their way into my creative work, so you can see traces of genealogical influences in the character profiles, such as Klemper and Ratdog, as a result. Klemper's farmer father Georg, for example, took the first name of the previous earliest ancestor of my surname I was able to trace--also a farmer; the name of the final earliest ancestor I've since traced, Hans, was already coincidentally in use--as the name of Ratdog's deceased toddler son.) Working with only the name of my paternal grandfather to go on, I managed in a single night to definitively trace my surname and paternal ancestry back through 1700s Pennsylvania Dutch country to 1500s Hesse, Germany. Yes...Hesse. Another complete coincidence (Gunter Hesse's name was inspired by author Hermann Hesse, whose "Siddhartha" and "Steppenwolf" I'd read in high school). I believe my renewed interest in this storyline directly led to this development and though there are still many gaps, especially on my father's side, I've learned quite a lot about my previously unknown roots (including maternal ties to nobility and royalty, such as much of the House of Wessex, and the Saxon leader Widukind). Also, not long after this, my father suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. He did suffer, and I'm left not just in sorrow but in anger regarding his decision to forego medical care that might have saved him; again, I feel cheated. Only my mother and I know all the details, so with the unique circumstances of his passing, I don't have anyone to help me work through my feelings. I can't help but wonder, however, if this storyline, which went neglected for so long that I had written it off as dead for good, reemerged when it did as the universe's way of trying to help me prepare, however inadequately, for the pain and loss I would soon experience myself. I have no way of knowing, though as this is my one storyline with at least a somewhat concrete beginning and end, I intend to continue exploring it and its newly emerged plot and characters until the well finally runs dry. Maybe I can find some meaning in things. RANDOM OBSERVATIONS Recurring themes: Broken families. Fate versus free will. Class struggle. Tradition versus change/progress. History repeating itself. How certain ideas, fates, actions pass down through the generations almost like a familial curse one can't escape (or can one?). How somebody's smallest, most insignificant action can have long-lasting repercussions for everyone around them. The web that connects us all. The strange ways in which we relate to each other as allies and enemies, or interchangeably. How good people can go bad...and bad people can occasionally do something good. "Nazi slice of life." Soundtrack/inspired by, a work in progress. (Won't let me embed the list, sorry. :/ ) ![]() Character profiles and brainstorming infodumps. ![]() Essays and info. |