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Winter Born Profile

Winter Born

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Name/Nickname: Winter Born
Gender: Female
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; eleven/late teens-early twenties (timeskip); NA
Birthplace/Current Location: Manitou Island, Lake Huron
Height: NA, average for her age
Weight/Body Type: Average; slender
Eyes: Brown
Hair: White, long/straight, short bangs; usually worn in braids
Race/Ethnic Background: Three-quarters human (American Indian; Anishinaabe), one-quarter demon (Ocryx); Manitou Islander
Relationship Status: Single/married (Remy LaCroix, husband, timeskip)
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Siblings: X'aaru (older half-brother)
Profession: Medicine woman in training
Distinguishing Characteristics: Friendly, outgoing, polite; curious, often too much for her own good; can be stubborn and oblivious to danger; empathic and compassionate; hardworking and perseverant, but can get impatient sometimes; slow to truly anger, but when enraged, overflows with immense power/medicine which surrounds her with an auroralike glow, and her voice gets harsh and grating--often doesn't remember these incidents afterward
General Appearance: Slender, athletic; long, straight, white hair with short bangs, usually worn in braids; brown eyes; copper skin; traditional deerskin dress and clothing
First Appeared In: Escape From Manitou Island

Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!

[Please report typos!]

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Manitou Island Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/1/25
Last Modified 1/13/25