Tal Natha
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Name/Nickname: Tal Natha (AKA The Dreamspinner)
Gender: Male
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; adult; NA
Birthplace/Current Location: Manitou Island, Lake Huron
Height: NA
Weight/Body Type: Average; somewhat slender
Eyes: Green-and-red, glowing
Hair: Black fur, scarlet wings
Race/Ethnic Background: Species--Ocryx; windling/waterling
Relationship Status: "Married" (Red Bird, mate) (NOTE, Ocryxes do not recognize formal marriage, but do form longterm monogamous pairings) (ALSO NOTE--due to Ocryxes' extremely limited population, geographic isolation, and promiscuity, incest is regarded as not ideal yet not taboo, either)
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Siblings: Numerous full, half-, and partial siblings, including but not limited to Buuos (brother), Justin Dupries (half-brother), Ketawnii (brother), Khiieta (half-sister/niece), Laabo (brother), Maanka (brother), Naaeyek (sister), Red Bird (half-sister), Shadow Water (half-sister), Silver Eagle Feather (half-sister), Thorn (half-brother/nephew); X'aaru (half-brother/nephew)
Profession: Dreamspinner (brings dreams to those upon the Island)
Distinguishing Characteristics: Intimidating appearance, though is unusually calm and levelheaded for a fullblooded Ocryx (due to the influence of Nathalit); despite this, can be short tempered and overly protective at times; reclusive, avoids most interaction with humans, though is not as territorial and unwelcoming as his parents; also not as promiscuous as they are, and is known to have fathered children only by his mate, Red Bird; has intimate knowledge of the private dreams of others, but refuses to reveal or otherwise use this knowledge for his or anyone's benefit; trustworthy, loyal, empathic
General Appearance: Average size for an Ocryx, though somewhat more slender in build--in Ocryx hierarchy would be regarded as a beta; black fur, scarlet wings, glowing green-and-red eyes, long slightly curving horns similar to those of an antelope or wild goat (compare waterbuck, Iberian ibex); large and imposing to humans but like other Ocryxes, capable of moving silently through the undergrowth
First Appeared In: Manitou Island
Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!
[Please report typos!]
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