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Stick-In-The-Dirt Profile


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Name/Nickname: Stick-In-The-Dirt (AKA Stick)
Gender: Male
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; thirties/forties; NA
Birthplace/Current Location: Manitou Island, Lake Huron
Height: 5'8"
Weight/Body Type: Slightly below average; skinny
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Black; mostly shaved aside from a few locks hanging down the side, and a braid in back
Race/Ethnic Background: American Indian (Anishinaabe); Manitou Islander
Relationship Status: Widowed/married (Rain-On-The-Leaves, deceased wife; Morning Star, wife)
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual Siblings: NA
Profession: Nanandawi (medicine man); Mide
Distinguishing Characteristics: Anxious/nervous demeanor; meek, subdued, dislikes rocking the boat or drawing attention to himself (unusual traits for a medicine man); frequently feels guilt over his role in freeing Ocryx from his prison and leading to the death of his wife and his old tribe; second-guesses his decisions constantly, low self-confidence; not particularly skilled as a medicine man (lied about which animal he saw in his vision), but does his best; earnest, well meaning, hardworking, humble; protective of his family (considers Charmian his adopted daughter) and can summon up courage to stand up for them, when necessary
General Appearance: Average height, rather skinny/frail build, copper skin, brown eyes; black hair mostly shaved with a braid, porcupine-hair roach, and four feathers (two upright, two down); usually dresses sparingly, shirtless with a breechcloth, perhaps leggings, and moccasins (wears heavier clothing in cold weather); earrings, various necklaces including a Megis (cowrie) shell; often carries tools of his trade, including bird bones or birchbark scrolls; worried facial expression
First Appeared In: Manitou Island

Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!

[Please report typos!]

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Manitou Island Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/1/25
Last Modified 1/13/25