Tehuti's Per On The Web 2.0!

Ocryx Profile


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Name/Nickname: Ocryx (AKA Ocryx-Of-The-Glowing-Eyes, the Demon Of The Lake)
Gender: Male
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; older adult; NA
Birthplace/Current Location: Manitou Island, Lake Huron
Height: NA
Weight/Body Type: Slightly above average; stocky/muscular
Eyes: Green-and-red, glowing
Hair: Gray fur, brown wings
Race/Ethnic Background: Species--Ocryx; windling/waterling
Relationship Status: In relationship (Shadow Water, mate)
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Siblings: NA
Profession: Guardian of Devil's Lake and the lake manitous; makes bargains with Islanders in exchange for payment
Distinguishing Characteristics: Shapeshifter, though his powers are limited due to his curse; is eternally hateful and bitter toward his former mate Ocryana for cursing him with his demon form, though she's been known to sway him into temporary relations with her; hot tempered and loud/blustery when angered; easily provoked or offended; tends to rage and threaten violence more than he actually follows through, and many of the times he does commit violence are due to him losing his temper rather than being planned ahead; far less likely to be violent toward females; is frequently attracted to human women and may (intentionally or unintentionally) use a sort of "love medicine" on them, as most of them report feeling entranced/"compelled" to go with him; typical of Ocryxes, is interested in the welfare of his female offspring, while expressing jealousy/hostility toward his male offspring, though will still attack anyone who threatens any of his children; prefers to be left in peace by the Islanders and so has good reason to maintain his intimidating reputation, but is willing and known for making bargains of various sorts in exchange for jewels, gemstones, and other precious items to fill up his lake (presumably, when this happens, he'll be released from his demon form)
General Appearance: Large, very tall when standing on his hind legs, wolf head, brown eagle wings, green snake tail, ratlike feet, gray furry body, glowing green-and-red eyes, wide curving bull-like horns; makes himself more intimidating by standing upright and spreading his wings/fluffing his fur, but can also easily move surprisingly stealthily through the undergrowth and so often goes undetected by humans when nearby; often roars and strikes nearby objects with his hands and tail to frighten opponents before he'll attack; as a windling/waterling, has power over these elements and can sometimes assume partial elemental form or summon gusts and torrents, which he frequently does when emerging from his lake; can temporarily shapeshift into various forms, though prefers forms related to his demon form (wolf, eagle, snake) or large, imposing animals
First Appeared In: Manitou Island

Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!

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Manitou Island Character Info

Copyright © Tehuti88
Page Created 1/1/25
Last Modified 1/13/25