Moon Wolf
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Name/Nickname: Moon Wolf (AKA Little Thorn (childhood name))
Gender: Male
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; thirties/forties; NA
Birthplace/Current Location: Manitou Island, Lake Huron
Height: 5'10"
Weight/Body Type: Lean/fit
Eyes: Dark brown
Hair: Black, long/straight, shaved on the sides, often worn in a tail with a porcupine-hair roach and several feathers
Race/Ethnic Background: American Indian (Anishinaabe); Manitou Islander
Relationship Status: Single; married (Orielle "Oriole" LaCroix, wife)
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Siblings: None known, though possible
Profession: Wabano (medicine man/fire juggler), mentor; previously Mide
Distinguishing Characteristics: Reserved, serious, tends to keep to himself and avoid most interactions with others; blunt, to the point; gave up membership as a Mide in the Grand Medicine Society (Midewiwin) to become a wabano, a type of medicine practitioner held in ill repute--known for the blue fire he uses; immensely powerful due to an illicit bargain he made (he traded his unborn daughter away to Ocryana for greater medicine powers), but prefers to use this power as little as possible out of guilt; his daughter has since forgiven him but he's still wracked with guilt over bargaining her away, and much of his behavior is motivated by his need to atone for his past actions; at one point was briefly mentored by Willow Woman, who also disapproved of him becoming a wabano; was raised by an abusive father who himself was a powerful and much-feared medicine man who used love medicine to keep Moon Wolf's (then Little Thorn's) mother in thrall, and witnessed her commit suicide to escape him--vowed he'd never go down the same path, though he started to before giving up actively practicing medicine and banishing himself to Cave of the Woods; occasionally teaches/mentors others instead; was killed by Ocryana and resurrected by Chakenapok, so can't return to the Spirit Land if he dies again; develops the ability to become "possessed by"/co-conscious with Chakenapok so they can combine their powers
General Appearance: Average height, lean/fit build; long black hair, shaved on the sides and usually worn in a tail with a porcupine-hair roach and several feathers; dark brown eyes; copper skin; several tattoos, including one under his left eye denoting his status as a wabano; serious facial expression; traditional native clothing, usually a deerskin breechcloth, leggings, and moccasins, with copper earrings and various necklaces and charms; wears a headband with small deer horns/prongs; often wears a silver gorget (crescent-shaped pectoral necklace) with a wolf-and-moon design--this was damaged by Ocryana and kept safe by the Dupries family before being returned to him; when "possessed" by Chakenapok, his eyes glow yellow and flame tattoos briefly appear on his face
First Appeared In: Manitou Island
Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!
[Please report typos!]
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