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Name/Nickname: Marten (AKA Abistanooch)
Gender: Male
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; young child, though can assume adult form; NA
Birthplace/Current Location: Indeterminate--lives with Glooskap in enchanted sea caves somewhere along the ocean/northeast coast
Height: About 1'6"
Weight/Body Type: Average; chubby
Eyes: Brown (can glow blue)
Hair: Black; short, straight
Race/Ethnic Background: Species--Mikumwesu; windling/sandling(?)
Relationship Status: Single
Orientation: NA
Siblings: NA; Glooskap is sometimes referred to as his brother, and Marten often treats him as such, but this is unlikely
Profession: Helper/companion of Glooskap; performs duties associated with a minor spirit
Distinguishing Characteristics: Looks and acts like a precocious yet diminutive child, but is actually hundreds of years old; cheery, naive, optimistic, sociable; likes to help others, especially with the creation/usage of magical shortcuts, though his efforts often fall flat; can get overly defensive if he feels that he or Glooskap is being insulted/wronged; very loyal to those he cares about or who are kind to him, but can be a great nuisance to those he distrusts or who are mean to him; skilled at shapeshifting, though only with the aid of his magical cap; often uses puns (sometimes unintentionally) or mangles complicated words and phrases, for example, referring to a tornado as a "torned mato"; looks up to Glooskap adoringly and believes almost everything he says without question, though they do engage in squabbles now and then
General Appearance: Resembles a young child, though only about 1.5' tall (correct proportions), with several pine marten characteristics--small, dark, pointed nose, sharp teeth, large furry ears, furry feet, and a long, bushy tail; short black hair, copper skin, brown eyes which can glow blue; wears a traditional deerskin outfit (top and leggings/pants) with a beaded sash (sometimes used to conceal/carry small items), various bead necklaces, and a small, round, red feathered cap which grants him shapeshifting abilities; can assume numerous other forms, for example, a wolverine, a squirrel, a goose, or a young adult male, but only while wearing his cap, which often remains visible on the head of his shifted form
First Appeared In: Return To Manitou Island
Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!
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