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Name/Nickname: Manabozho (AKA 'Bozho, Nanabozho, Wenebozho, Manabush, Nanabush, Wenebojo, Michibou, The Great Rabbit, The Great Hare)
Gender: Male
Birthdate/"Permanent" Story Age/Astrological Sign: NA; thirties; Taurus(?)
Birthplace/Current Location: Manitou Island, Lake Huron
Height: 5'9"
Weight/Body Type: Average; athletic/fit
Eyes: Dark brown (can glow bright blue); in his Michibou form, they turn black with the appearance of the void of space
Hair: Black; straight, mostly shaved aside from a long topknot/braid/tail and a few loose strands in front
Race/Ethnic Background: Half human (American Indian; Anishinaabe), half manitou (windling, though has power over earth); Manitou Islander
Relationship Status: Single
Orientation: Heteroromantic heterosexual
Siblings: Mudjikawiss (older brother), Peepaukawiss (older brother), Wabasso/Chibiabos (older brother), Chakenapok (younger twin brother)
Profession: Trickster/culture hero, intermediary between manitous and humans
Distinguishing Characteristics: Tries to come across as wise and clever, though is actually very insecure, jealous, easily annoyed, temperamental, moody, stubborn, and occasionally rather ignorant/foolish; impulsive, often speaks or acts before he thinks; overcompensates due to feelings of inferiority among other manitous, largely because of his half-manitou status and early abandonment by most of his family; despite this, feels a closer connection to/empathy toward humans than toward manitous, and often acts as a teacher or intermediary between them and the spirit realm; can shapeshift, including into inanimate forms, though they often have a "rabbit ear" characteristic that can give them away; uses wind and earth elements to fight; has many deep-seated unresolved negative feelings regarding his family, especially his father; in rare moments of extreme emotion, can shift into Michibou, a sort of superpowerful alternate personality about whom very little is known so far
General Appearance: Average height, lean build; black hair, mostly bald aside from roached topknot/tail/braid; two upright feathers atop his head are actually part of his anatomy, substituting for rabbit ears and independently moving around like such; dark brown eyes that can glow bright blue when piqued or expending power; earrings, traditional deerskin clothing and moccasins, various beads and necklaces with a rabbit motif; in his Michibou form, he glows blue and his eyes turn black like the void
First Appeared In: Manitou Island
Character Summary: Coming soon! If you're really interested in reading it, let me know and I'll try to get on writing it faster!
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